Предмет: Английский язык, автор: doziizibaeva

1.- If Alice hadn’t gone to the party, she ……………………. (not meet) Alexander.
2.-If I could live anywhere, it ………………….. (be) in Hawaii.
4.-Your sister will miss the plane if she ……………… (not hurry).
5.-They would buy a bigger house if they ……………… (have) more money in the bank.
6.-Helen would enjoy school more is she …………… (make) more friends.
7.-We won’t go to the pool unless the weather ……….. (improve).
8.-Jane wouldn’t have won the race if she ………………. (not train) so hard.
9.-Schools ……..….… (be) better places if bullies didn’t exist.
10.-My teacher would be sad if we ……………. (not pass) the test.
11.-If I had been born in Holland, I ……….….. (speak) Dutch.
12.-If we don’t protect animals, some species ………………. (become) extinct.
13.-Martha will arrive on time if she ……………. (listen) the alarm clock.
14.-Your football team wouldn’t have lost the match if they …………… (play) better.
15.-Mr Callaghan won’t pay the bill if he ………………(not get) his salary.
16.-Hahhan and her sister would study for the exam if they ………… (have) enough time.
17.-You wouldn’t receive nasty emails if you ……….. (not be) so stupid.
18.-If Richard …………. (speak) Chinese, he would apply for that job in China.
19.-Amanda’s parents will be very happy if she ……….. (get) married soon.
20.-His secretary would call him if there …….. (be) an important customer.
21.-She may get the letter if we ………… (send) it today.
22.-Nothing bad would have happened if we ………………. (talk) face to face.
23.-If I had told my parents about it, my teacher ………… (understand).
24.-If I were you, I …………….(not give) my phone number to strangers.
25.-The tomato soup would taste better if you………… (add) some salt.
26.-If my aunt ………..(not break) her leg, she would have travelled to Italy with us.
27.-The writer may earn more money if his novels ……….. (be) more interesting.
28.-That woman would look nicer if she ……….. (cut) her hair.
29.-If I were the Prime Minister, I ………..(abolish) homework.
30.-She would have become a doctor if she …………….(study)Medicine.
31.-If I t ……. (be)cold tomorrow, you should wear a coat.
32.-We would have met uncle Tom if you …………….. (come) earlier.
33.-The child will enjoy himself if his mom ……….. (take) him to the zoo.
34.-If he gives me some glue, I ………… (stick) the pieces together.
35.-If I spend all my money on cigarettes, I ………. (not buy) milk for my family.
36.-Yolanda wouldn’t eat so bad if she …………… (cook) at home.
37.-Michael will get a day off at work if he ………. (help) his boss tonight.
38.-Donald would wear a suit and a tie if he …………. (visit) his parents-in-law.
39.-Margaret always gets up at 8 o’clock if she ………. (want) to go to the market.
40.-If I had known Henry was at the party, I ………. (not go)there.
41.-Oswald won’t call Sonia unless she ……….. (phone) him.
42.-If Regina is late again, she ………….(lose) her job.
43.-If Peter hadn’t stolen the two books, the security guard …….(not stop)him.
44.-If the plane ………(arrive) on time, Patricia would be very glad.
45.-I wouldn’t have bought fish if I ……….(know) you didn’t like it.


Автор ответа: Naastiiaaa
1.she wouldn’t meet
2.would be
4.don’t hurry
8.hadn’t train
9.would be
10.hadn’t pass
11.would speak
12.will become
15.don’t get
21.will send
23.would understand
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