Предмет: Английский язык, автор: zek911

Английски язык на английском языке любой художник биография


Автор ответа: dwers


Сильвестр Щедрин   (1791-1830) Мастер русского пейзажного романтизма и лирического осмысления природы. Полностью отдавшись романтике пейзажа и природной среде восприятия, Щедрин как бы восполняет своими картинами, упавший интерес художников того времени к пейзажу. Щедрин познал рассвет своего творчества и признания. Закончив Академию художеств в Санкт Петербурге, в 1818 г. приехал в Италию и прожил более 10 лет, в Риме, Неаполе, Амальфи и в Соренто где провел свои последние месяцы жизни. На более сорока его картинах Щедрин изобразил виды окрестности Соренто, при встрече на улицах города Сорентийцы его ласково приветствовали Дон Сильвестро. Очень много работал с натуры, заслужил невероятную по тем временам популярность у итальянцев желавших купить его картины, иногда приходилось писать много копий своих наиболее удачных работ, которые быстро раскупались. Его знаменитые работы Новый Рим "Замок святого ангела", Набережная Мерджеллина в Неаполе, Большая гавань на острове Капри и др. Прожив недолгую но насыщенную творчеством жизнь, Щедрин так и не смог вернуться в Россию. Великолепные итальянские пейзажи отразили всю уникальную красоту природы этого края, представлявшаяся многим русским художникам райским местом - землей обетованной.

Sylvester Shchedrin artist (1791-1830) Master of Russian landscape romantic and lyrical reflection of nature. Completely surrendering to the romanticism of the landscape and natural environment perception, Shchedrin like fills his paintings, fallen interest of artists of that time to the landscape. Shchedrin knew the dawn of his creativity and recognition. Having graduated from the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg in 1818, came to Italy and lived for more than 10 years, in Rome, Naples, Amalfi and Sorrento where he spent his last months of life. For more than forty his paintings Shchedrin depicted views of the surroundings Sorrento, at the meeting on the streets of the city Сорентийцы him kindly welcomed don Silvestro. Worked a lot with nature, has earned incredible on those days the popularity of the Italians wanted to buy his paintings, sometimes we had to write a lot of copies of his most successful works, which quickly sold out. His famous works as the " New Rome "Castel Sant'angelo", Quay of Mergellina in Naples, the Grand harbour on the island of Capri etc. having Lived a short but rich creativity of life, Shchedrin and could not return to Russia. Excellent Italian landscapes reflected all the unique beauty of the nature of this region, представлявшаяся many Russian artists Paradise - promised land.

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wite a tage for each sentence. (")-апостроф

1.They are pupils,......................?

2.There are pupils in the classroom,...................?

3.They are in the kitchen,.................?

4.There are four chairs in the Kithen,................?

5.There are lot pens in the box,..................?

6.There are three pictures on the wall,.............................?

7.The pictures are on the wall,............................?

8.The children are at home,...............................?

9.There are a lot of children at the home,.............................?

10.the pupils are lazy,...................................?

11.he can go,....................?

12.She can swim,............................?

13.They play tennis......................?

14.The boys can speak english,........................?

15.You can come 9 o"clock,................................?

16.They could  dance well,..................................?

17.She coould count well,..............................?

18.He could speak French,...........................?

19.It is the most interesting book,......................?

20.They are lucky,..................?

21.We can have a party on Sundey,.........................?

22.We can"t go there,..............................?

23.the boys could play the game,.........................?

24.The children couldn"е play the game,..........................?

25.they aren"t in the park,..................................?

26.There aren"t any shops in this street,................?

27.They can"t see him,..........................?

28.The water was hot,........................?

29.There was hot water there,.............................?

30.The weather wasn"t cold?

31.he has got a pet,.......................?

32.she has got a doll,.....................?

33.You have got a long tail,....................?

34.it has got a bike,.....................?

35.They have got a computer,..................?

36.We have got some bread,.........................?

37.You haven"t  got a dog,.................?

38.He hasn"t got a parrot,......................?

39.The children haven"t got many  toys,......................?

40.Kate hasn"t got a basket,....................................?

41.Bill has got two pets,.............................?

42.Jane  has got  a colection of stamps,..........................?

43.Alice hasn"t got a toy train,............................?

44.You have got a new game,....................?

45.your grandparents have got a new garden,...........................?

46.Your sister has got a guinea  pig,..........................?

47.Your sisters haven"t got any pets,............................?

48.The smiths have got a new house,............................?

49.The Browns have got a car,.........................?

50.The Blaks haven"t got a dog,.....................?