найдите по описанию на английском языке найти 13 английских выражений, состоящих из двух слов, данных в разброс и отгадайте, какое ключевое слово спрятано в головоломке.

Find pairs of words to match to the clues below, as in the example.
maternity short pension phone flexible human hours resources vitae job paid medical personnel course annual recruitment insurance vacancy appraisal agency curriculum training list plan holiday mobile leave
1 time off to have a baby…maternity. leave…
2 the group of best candidates for a post …short list
3 description of a person's career and education …curriculum vitae
4 a plan to cover you in case of sickness.. medical insurance
5 an organization that finds new people to join companies... recruitment agency
6 a meeting every year to discuss your work with your manager … annual appraisal
7 most companies offer four to six weeks of this per year … paid holiday
8 a position available in a company … job vacancy
9 you can use this to contact people when you are out of the office … mobile phone
10 you can choose when you start and finish work each day... flexible hours
11 a scheme which pays you money after retirement … pension plan
12 a way of improving your skills.. training course
13 HR... human resources
Which word remains alone? personnel