Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним

Сиши предложения, вставляя пропущенные бук-
вы, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания.
1. Растение земли украшение. (Пословица) 2. Всё хорошо в
природ..., но вода кр...са всей природы. (С. Т. Аксаков) 3. Мы
часть природы, поэтому давайте любить, ценить, беречь её.
4. Лес богатство и краса земли. (Пословица) 5. Вода это дар. Она
драгоценность. б. Без воды земля словно пустырь (Пословица)​



Автор ответа: lanastlana

1. Растения - земли украшение (сказуемое).

2. Всё хорошо в природе, но вода - краса (сказуемое) всей природы.

3. Мы (местоимение) часть природы (сказуемое), поэтому давайте любить, ценить, беречь её. Если подлежащее выражено местоимением, то тире не ставится.

4. Лес - богатство и краса (сказуемое) земли.

5. Вода - это дар (сказуемое). Она (местимение) драгоценность (сказуемое). Если подлежащее выражено местоимением, то тире не ставится.

6. Без воды земля словно (союз) пустырь(сказуемое). Тире не ставится, потому что есть сравнительный союз словно.

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1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G - лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу. HAPPINESS What is happiness? In many industrialized countries, it is often equated with money. But the small Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has been trying a different idea. In 1972, concerned about the problems afflicting other developing countries 1____________, Bhutan’s leader, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, decided to make his nation’s priority its GNH, or Gross National Happiness. Bhutan, the King said, needed to ensure that prosperity was shared across society and that it was balanced against preserving cultural traditions, protecting the environment and maintaining a responsive government. The King instituted policies 2____________. Now, Bhutan’s example is serving as a catalyst for broader discussions of national well-being. A growing number of economics, social scientists, corporate leaders and bureaucrats around the world are trying to develop systems 3 __________ but also access to health care, time with family, conservation of natural resources and other non-economic factors. The goal is partly to obtain a broader definition of the world happiness. “We have to think of human well-being in broader terms,” said Bhutan’s Home Minister. “Material well-being is only one component. That doesn’t ensure that you’re at peace with your environment 4 ____________. In the early stages of a climb out of poverty, for a household or a country, incomes and contentment grow together. But various studies show that beyond certain points, 5 ___________, happiness does not keep up. And some countries, studies found, were happier than they should be. One study found that Latin American countries, for example, registered far more subjective happiness than their economic status would suggest. But researches have had great difficulty in developing measuring techniques 6 ____________. And some experts question whether national well-being can really be defined. Just the act of trying to quantify happiness could destroy it, said one expert. “The most important things in life are not prone to measurement – like love. A. aimed at accomplishing these goals B. that can capture this broader sense of well-being C. and in harmony with each other D. whose focus was only on economic growth E. but there is not necessarily a relationship between wealth and happiness F. as annual income passes certain levels G. that measure not just the flow of money 1 2 3 4 5 6 помогите пожалуйста!!!! очень срочно нужно

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