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Reading texts in English - one way to learn a language. Texts in English, if properly chosen, can help in learning the language. Wrong and awkwardly selected texts in English and able to discourage the desire to learn the language in the most persistent and tenacious. It is important not only to choose the correct text, but also the right to work with these texts. The basic principle of work with texts in English is, and it's not a secret, they are read. But reading the text may be different, both in its aims and the way in which these goals are achieved. The most common objectives sought by the reader of texts in English are: the completion of a general or thematic vocabulary, teaching and training in the pronunciation of English words and phrases, binding rules of English grammar by parsing the typical examples in the text and their repetition in order to store and etc. Obviously, to achieve their recruitment needs meet these targets texts in English. Another criterion by which to select text to read in English, is their complexity (lexical, grammatical). For beginners, learning the language required texts easier and shorter to not have time to disperse them attention and not tire out too soon. For advanced students respectively need complex texts a great variety of grammatical forms and lexical material. The choice of English texts can be read on their own - by experience, or by the teacher. The second method is preferable, as a professional teacher can more accurately determine your level of knowledge of the language and pick up the texts. If you are learning English by yourself, then you should choose the English versions for the following reasons - the number of unknown words in the English text should not exceed 10-15%. Read English texts with a lot of new words you will spend a lot of time to access the dictionary and reduce the effectiveness of memorizing new words. A good way to work with texts in English is to read the small pieces of it at the end with the transfer of the most difficult words and expressions. Translating words will save time for appeal to the dictionary and spelling help to learn how to pronounce the word. Source texts in English can serve English textbooks of advanced education. They are good in that English texts they are usually arranged in order of increasing complexity, training materials carefully dosed, and the end of the text are usually given assignments and exercises in the text read. They help to better assimilate new lexical material. For beginners learning English ideal old Soviet textbooks, different from the modern samples of very careful study of the training material and the high quality of its submission. Newspaper articles can also be used as a source of teaching material. However, note that the language of the press is different specificity, there are a lot of abbreviations, a little artistic revolutions, and in general it is for a brief presentation of information to the reader, light certain facts and events with minimum deviations and maximum savings print space. Optimal source texts are in English fiction English prose. Stories in English, chapters of novels are an excellent source of new words.