ты просматриваешь ваш семейный альбом со своим другом разыграй диалог о том чем занимаются твои родители и что они делают сейчас ПЖ ПЖ ОТВЕТЬТЕ ПРОШУ
сейчас всё будет
- Oh can you tell me abot your parents?I think, they are very gоod people.
- Of course i can.
In this photo, they make a fire in the forest by frying kebabs, but now they say that they don’t do this, although they used to do it themselves. I don’t understand them.
- It is strange i think.But maybe they want you to grow better than they therefore do not allow to do so. But still it’s strange on their part not to explain but simply to ban
- Good-good.Come on. In this photo gallery they are sitting in the living room and watching what old show, but now they prefer to watch political information.
- Listen, there are so many photos.. Let me tell you about this photo, it interested me.
- Haha, this is a very funny situation. Mom and Dad went outside for a walk, but then there was knee-deep snow and they were stuck in a snowdrift, but now they prefer to sit at home and drink tea.
- Oh friend sorry I have to run. Come on another time?
- Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye.
- Bye