Срочно! И подробно:)

мы используем Past Continuous, когда:
1) действие происходит сейчас
2) запланированное будущее
3) временное действие
4) критика
5) процесс
используем Present Simple, когда:
1) если действие повторяется каждый раз
2) будущее время, когда график иди расписание
5. He is playing tennis now
6. Do you come to the cinema later?
7. They don't come to the party tomorrow
8. He isn't playing golf now
9. Are you playing tennis this Sunday?
10. They go to a restaurant every Saturday
11. She isn't going to the cinema very often
12. You are usually arriving late
13. He normally eat dinner at home
14. Do you study every night?
15. Are they working late usually?
16. You aren't going out later
17. I'm not working tonight
18. Is she working at the moment?
19. I'm not drinking coffee very often
20. Julie is sleeping now
короче, не все может быть правильно, но я старалась делать по правилу