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Grandfather and grandmother lived for themselves, they were alone. Once grandfather says:
- Grandmother, can you cook for me gingerbread man ?
- What will I cook if there is no flour ?
- Oh grandmother go to hut, dumps on the groove of the some flour, then it will be on a gingerbread.
Grandma did everything her grandfather said.
She cooked gingerbread, and put on the window to study cold. Suddenly, he woke up, jumped, and slid into the same window.
- Rolling, rolling, suddenly, he meets a rabbit. He say.
- Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, i wan't to eat you !
- Don't eat me, rabbit, I will sing a song for you !
- Ok, sing
- I was swept away by the bundle, I was baked on eggs, I fled from my grandfather, I fled from my grandmother, and I will run away from you !
And goes away gingerbread man from the rabbit.
- Rolling, rolling, suddenly, he meets a wolf. He say.
- Gingerbread man, I wan't to eat you !
- Don't eat me, wolf, I will sing a song for you !
- Ok, but fast !
- I was swept away by the bundle, I was baked on eggs, I fled from my grandfather, I fled from my grandmother, I flad from rabbit, and i will run away from you !
And goes away gingerbread man from the wolf.
- Rolling, rolling, suddenly, he meets a bear. He say.
- Gingerbread man, I wan't to eat you !
- Don't eat me, bear, I will sing a song for you !
- Oh, but very fast, i wan't to sleep !
- I was swept away by the bundle, I was baked on eggs, I fled from my grandfather, I fled from my grandmother, I flad from rabbit,i flad from wolf, and i will run away from you !
And goes away gingerbread man from the bear.
- Rolling, rolling, suddenly, he meets a fox. She say.
- Gingerbread man, I wan't to eat you !
- Don't eat me, fox, I will sing a song for you !
- Okay, but sit on my tongue, because I can't hear.
- Ok.
Only gingerbread man sat a fox in the tongue, and she ate it !