Предмет: Английский язык, автор: babenkoegor

1. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the opposite meaning. Use the adjectives in brackets.

It's the most polluted place I know. (clean)

It's the cleanest place I know.

1 The bus stop is nearer than the station. (far)

2 lt's the cleanest part of the city.'(dirty)

3 The traffic's better than I expected. (bad)

4 lt's the most interesting museum I know (boring)

5 Trains are more expensive than buses here. (cheap)

6 He parked in the nearest car park from here. (far)

7 lt's the most enormous beach l've ever seen. (tiny)

8 lt's the best restaurant I know. (bad)

9 lt's colder in the south of the country. (hot)

'10 The north of the island is prettier than the south. (ugly)


Автор ответа: gulikairatkyzy

1. The bus stop is further than the station.

2. It's the dirtiest part of the city.

3. The traffic is worse than I expected.

4. It is the most boring museum I know.

5. Trains are cheaper than the buses here.

6. He parked in the furthest car park from here.

7. It is the tiniest beach I've ever seen.

8. It is the worst restaurant I know.

9. It is hotter in the south of the country.

10. The north of the island is uglier than the south.

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Предмет: Алгебра, автор: nikitaterentev544