Прочитайте текст с пропусками. Для каждого пропуска, обозначенного
буквами A-G, выберите фразу из списка 1–8. Каждую фразу можно
использовать только один раз. Одна фраза лишняя.
1) made Novgorod powerful
6) invited the Scandinavian Prince Rurik
2) water from Lake Ilmen
7) in the middle of the 9th century
3) is the most talented
8) one of the most ancient Russian cities
4) with all the life of the Russian state
5) belonged to the family of Rurik
Veliky Novgorod is A , situated in the north-west, near the site where the
Volkhov River takes its B . It was founded C
The history of Novgorod is closely linked D _ The
Novgorodians E_ _ to make law and order, because this town had the right to
choose its own princes. Rurik brought an army with him and F . In his time
the Russian lands were first called Rus (Russia). Prince Rurik's appearance in
Novgorod gave birth to the Rurik dynasty that ruled over all the Russian lands for
more than 700 years. Nearly all the Russian rulers G
А8 B2 C7 D4 E6 F1 G5
Veliky Novgorod is one of the most ancient Russian cities,situated in the north-west,near the site where the Volkhov River takes its water from Lake Ilmen. It was founded in the middle of the 9th century. The history of Novgorod is closely linked with all the life of the Russian state. The Novgorodians invited the Scandinavian Prince Rurik to make law and order, because this town had the right to choose its own princes. Rurik brought an army with him and made Novgorod powerful. In his time the Russian lands were first called Rus (Russia). Prince Rurik’s appearance in Novgorod gave birth to the Rurik dynasty that ruled over all the Russian lands for more than 700 years. Nearly all the Russian rulers belonged to the family of Rurik.