Переведите с русского ан англ.
1)До нашего приезда два дня шел сильный снег.Зима была замечательной в этом году.
2)Вам незачем приходить так рано.За ребенком сейчас ухаживают и ему становится лучше.
3)Сейчас три часа по московскому времени.Те наручные часы,на которые вы смотрите,идут неправильно.
4)ученикам сказали,что Земля вращается вокруг Солнца,а Солнце является звездой.
5)Если ты хочешь предсказывать погоду,ты должен будешь узнать что-нибудь о поведении птиц и животных перед дождем.
6)Два человека были ранены в автомобильной аварии.Говорят,что их отправили в больницу.Как жаль,что это произошло!
7)Он отвел меня в сторону и спросил,что случилось.Я ответил,что что-то не в порядке с документами
8)Я был бы рад если бы он дал разрешение начать опыт тогда.
9)Кто из них двоих опоздал на работу?Никто из них не опоздал.Но чем больше я нахожусь здесь тем больше мне не нравится поведение этих служащих.
1) Before our arrival it was snowing for two days. Winter was wonderful this year. 2) You don’t have to come so early. The child is now looked after and he is feeling better. 3) Now it’s three hours Moscow time. Those watches that you are looking at are not working properly. 4) the students were told that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Sun is a star. 5) If you want to predict the weather, you will have to learn something about the behavior of birds and animals before the rain. 6) Two people were injured in a car accident. They say that they were sent to the hospital. What a pity that this happened! 7) He took me aside and asked what happened. I replied that something was wrong with the documents 8) I would be glad if he gave permission to start the experiment then. 9) Which of the two of them were late for work? None of them were late. But the more I am here the more I do not like the behavior of these employees.
1) It had been snowing for two days before our arrival. Winter was wonderful this year.
2)You don’t have to come so early. The child is now looked after and he’s feeling better
3)Now it’s three hours Moscow time. The watch does not work properly(wrong)
4)The pupils were told that the earth revolves around the sun, and the sun is a star.
5)If you want to predict the weather, you will need to learn something about the behavior of birds and animals before the rain.
6)Two people were injured in a car accident. They say that they were sent to the hospital. What a pity that this happened!
7)He took me aside and asked what happened. I replied that something was wrong with the documents
8)I would be glad if he gave permission to start the experiment then(вроде)
9)Which of the two were late for work? None of them were late. But the more I stay here the more I dislike the behavior of these employees.