Предмет: Английский язык, автор: snega20095

1. The noise of the wind ___ her. (Шум ветра ее не разбудил.) 2. Nobody met me at the station where I ___ . (Никто не встретил меня на станции, где я вышел.) 3. The night was already very deep and dark, but she could still see his face, ___ by dull candle glitter. (Ночь была уже очень глубокой и темной, но она все еще могла видеть его лицо, освещенное слабым мерцанием свечи.) 4. A serious problem ___ . (Возникла серьезная проблема.) 5. He ___ abruptly by an enormous noise which made the whole house shake. (Он внезапно проснулся от ужасного шума, заставившего трястись весь дом.) 6. I ___ so much nothing hurts me anymore. (Меня так часто били, что теперь меня ничего не трогает.) 7. He ___ keen on electronic music and the next year released his debut album. (Он увлекся электронной музыкой и на следующий год выпустил свой первый альбом.) 8. She ___ a new coat by last winter. (Она купила себе пальто к прошлой зиме.) 9. When he returned to his house in a month, he was shocked. The apricot and cherry trees he had planted and reared ___ . And, worse still, all the beehives ___ . (Когда он вернулся в свой дом через месяц, он был шокирован. Абрикосовые и вишневые деревья, которые он сажал и растил, были сломаны. И, что было еще хуже, все ульи были сожжены.) 10. “I’m very sorry, Eeyore – but… when I was running along to bring the balloon to you, I fell down.ʼʼ ʼʼDear, dear, how unlucky! You ran too fast, I expect. You didn’t hurt yourself, Little Piglet?ʼʼ ʼʼNo, but I … I … oh, Eeyore, I ___ the balloon!ʼʼ (— Мне очень жаль, Иа-иа — но… когда я бежал, чтобы принести тебе шарик, я упал. — Ой-ой, какая незадача! Ты, я думаю, бежал чересчур быстро. Ты не ушибся, Пятачок? — Нет, но… я… о, Иа-иа, твой шарик у меня лопнул!) 11. Now the news. The greatest light container recycling plant ___ for the company General Recycling, one of the main paper and cardboard recycling companies in Greece. (А теперь новости. Крупнейший завод по переработке легкого упаковочного материала был построен для компании Дженерал Ресайклинг, одной из важнейших компаний, занимающихся переработкой бумаги и картона в Греции.) 12. The radio ___ hurricane warnings on the night that Hurricane Mitch came visiting. But nobody in Pedro Dias had believed the flood warnings. (По радио передавали предупреждения об урагане в ту ночь, когда должен был начаться ураган Митч. Но никто в Педро Дайасе не верил в предупреждения о наводнении.) 1. In summer we … spend much time in the open air. 2. They … listen to the latest news on the radio. 3. Tomorrow our children … have a good time in the country. 4. My relatives … soon come back to St. Petersburg. 5. You … enjoy the beautiful scenery of that country place. 6. My friends … take part in the discussion.


Автор ответа: vsm3lova

1. didn"t wake

2. got off

3. lit

4. has arisen

5. suddenly

6. was beaten

7. involved

8.  bought

9. were broken, were burned  

10. burst your

11. was built

12. warn

Вроде как-то так. Я сделала только первую часть, а вторую можешь сделать сам(а). Если  что-то не правильно предупредите в комментариях.

vsm3lova: :/
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Настя60658
Помоготи пожалуйста :(

1. The ____ is an input device used for keying text.
2. Data stored in _____ is lost when the computer is turned off.
3. Each piece of information stored in the computer is identified by a ___ number.
4. School districts use this type of computer to build their networks around, a ____ .
5. The instructions that a computer needs to tell it what to do is called ____ .
6. The ___ works with peripherals to move data & commands between the CPU & monitors, printers & disk drives.
7. The most popular operating systems are ____ and Macintosh.
RAM- Random Access Memory
operating system
Microsoft Windows
8. The _____ is the most basic device for ___ sound into a computer.
9. The sound card takes the _____ from the microphone which is in ____ form and changes it to digital form that the computer can recognize.
10. The ____ works by digitizing the sound, ____ sound and then plays the saved sound.
11. Several ways ____ still images into a computer include using a ____ , digital camera or scanner.
12. To convert analog videos to ___ where they can be used on the computer you need a ____ .
13. ____ seen on the monitor are created by a ____ .
14. ____ printers are the best for ____ color images.
15. Three types of devices ____ video include: _____ , televisions and headsets.
16. ____ allows computer ____ text files out loud.
17. ____ (MIDI) allows computer____ music.
fax machine
Thermal Transfer
to output
to create
video adapter
data projectors
to read
video capture card
Musical Instrument digital Interface
Speech Synthesis Software
to input
sound card
18. The ____ controls the computer, and manages its ____ .
19. Another ____ for turning on your computer is _____ it.
20. BIOS stands for basic input/output system, it manages and ____ the computer's ____ .
21. As a computers boots, it ____ a series of test called the ____ , or POST.
22. Every operating system has ____ , the settings a program automatically uses, unless others ____ .
23. The file name you ____ to the file should, in some way, ___ of the file.
24. Two or three letters, following a period, that indicate in which application the file
_____ and the file format it uses is called ____ .
25. _____ files across operating systems is called ____ .
26. ____ occurs when a file is broken into pieces that ____ in different places on a hard drive.
are selected
describe the contents
file fragmentation
was created
are saved
cross-platform compatibility
default options
file extension
to boot
operating system
power-on self test
27. ____ application software is designed for a very limited purpose.
28. _____ application software is designed for general purposes, it meets the needs of many.
29. ____ programs include word processors, spreadsheets, databases and presentation programs.
30. Working with more than one computer ____ is called ____ .
31. Early working copies of application software given to users ____ the program are called ___ .
32. ___ that stops working after a certain amount of time is ____ software.
33. ____ means ___ problems.
34. FAQ's, ____ , give helpful examples and hints to common problems.
to correct
personal productivity
limited trial
beta versions
to test
frequently asked questions
Предмет: Математика, автор: cristalinaromaniuc
Предмет: Биология, автор: angelinadovga555