Говорение. В Ваш класс пришел новый мальчик, который учился в другом городе. Расскажите ему о своей школе: в каком году она была образована; каковы наиболее отличительные черты Вашей школы; какие классные комнаты и оборудование имеется в Вашей школе
I myself went to this school quite recently, but I already got used to it and my classmates.
There are 14 cabinets, 1 teacher's, 1 director's office and 1 head teacher. Also there is a dining room and 4 bathrooms. It was formed in 2001-2002.
In our school there are televisions in some classrooms and a multiboard in the dining room, we usually go there to tell projects.
In our school there are televisions in some classrooms and a multiboard in the dining room, we usually go there to tell projects.
In addition, there are water coolers in the school, soft ottomans under the stairs and highchairs on the ground floor.
The most awesome features in our school are the choice of a circle to which we walk on Wednesdays, excursions on Fridays and the fact that a bus takes us home and from home.
You should like this school.