срочно!!!!!! написать небольшое сочинение 4-5 предложений по английскому про улицу ленина почему она знаменита (Сургут) 50 баллов
Lenin Street is one of the oldest in the city and the longest pedestrian in Belarus. The length of the "Mogilev Broadway" is 1.5 km. Interestingly, the pedestrian part of the street Lenin - from Slava Square to the Square of the 40th anniversary of the Victory - just meters the historic part of town.
This street is known from the XVI century and was then called the Windmill - in honor of the Wind gate of the defensive shaft. Later - Bolshaya Sadovaya, Engineering and now - Lenin.
Most of the houses on both sides of the pedestrian part of Leninskaya Street are monuments of history, residential and civil architecture of the 18-20th centuries. On it is the palace of Stanislaw Bogusz-Sestrentsevich, the first Mogilev archbishop. True, the building is now unlikely to look like a palace - it houses the rhythmic gymnastics hall of the SDYUSHOR "Bagima".
Kept at the Lenin Mogilev gymnasium building, which studied the future publishers encyclopedic lexicon brothers Alexander and Ignatiy Granat, the first president of the Senate Hawaii Nikolai Sudzilovsky and mathematician, geographer, geophysicist, astronomer, explorer Otto Schmidt North. Now the alma mater of famous scientists is the shopping center "Alisa".
On Leninskaya is also located Zvezdnaya Square with a sculpture of the Starship in the center. By the way, before there were the sundial, but now Stargazer Telescope is their gnomon ( "hour hand"). Around - chairs with signs of the zodiac and tiles "stars" with the names of honorable citizens of Mogilev.