Даю 25 баллов 2 задания плиз

2) an article
3) messages
4) questions
5) fans' site
6) Skype
7) the application
8) other way
1) For me is the most popular to use my smart phone. It's quite convenient and contemporary. Guess, What's up is the best way. My friends use the same application too. And another thing-it's free!
2) Last year I definitely used the same way to communicate. There was nothing to change. It has been short time since 2017. Recon, needs to mention email way. Coz, I used it too.
3) Difficult to say.. I consider - no. Coz, there are lots of ways to communicate. Snail mail, email, Skype, whats up, Twitter, Facebook, Viber, VK - I used all of them. But clearly realize I've never guess of others...
4) Sad as it is, my grandparents passed away. As for parents, they try to keep old school. They ve got the home phone. Also they talk by the cell phone. By this time they even are able to send messages or a picture. Good for them.
I usually use text message, because it takes not much time and you hardly ever distract someone. It's briefly way to explain everything you need or ask. Besides, you can help anyone at anytime to get better. Or just wish all the best!!!