Срочно ОЧЕНЬ краткий ПЕРЕСКАЗ на английском языке человека нивидимке гдето 5 предложений
The ingenious and talented scientist Griffin in his laboratory creates a miracle machine capable of discoloring blood and turning any person into invisibility. The medic is slow to present his invention to the public. He waits for a pause, then to announce publicly the sensational news. By coincidence and due to material difficulties, he suspends his work. He brings to the head the idea of experiencing everything, anything, destroy his creation and burn a demountable house. Guided by the thought of a future investigation, Griffin finds himself another refuge. He avoids the society of people for fear of losing freedom and becoming an object of scientific research. An outcast asking for help from a colleague, Dr. Kemp. He is obsessed with the idea of attaining power through intimidation of people. Kemp calls the police. Griffin, in an attempt to escape, comes across a crowd of enraged citizens and dies. His body acquires a visible appearance. His scientific papers are abducted.