Предмет: Биология, автор: Аноним



Автор ответа: WildRose8540

Простейшие - отдел одноклеточных животных. В отделе насчитывается около 70 тысяч видов. Рассмотреть простейших можно только в микроскоп (размеры простейших 0,1 мм до 0,5 мм). Эти одноклеточные организмы обитают в жидкой среде, например в морской и пресной воде; почве и в других организмах.

Строение: в теле простейших существует клеточная оболочка, цитоплазма, ядро и органеллы (к примеру вакуоли) Вакуоли у этих животных играют важную роль. Сократительная вакуоль помогает вывести из организма избыток воды. С помощью пищеварительных переваривается пища. Могут иметься и специальные приспособления для передвижения. Питаться простейшие могут гетеротрофно и миксотрофно (смешанный тип питания) Большинство простейших размножается бесполым путём, но встречается и половое размножение.

Виды простейших: корненожки, радиолярии, солнечники, споровики.

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H.G. Wells (1866-1946) was a British writer and one of the first to write about time travel, space flight and alien invasion. Wells was borm in Bromley. Kent, on 21st September, 1866. He left school when he was only fourteen and worked in various jobs in order to eam money for his family. After a number of unsuccessful years working as a shop assistant, a chemist's assistant and a teaching assistant, he won a scholarship to study biology under T.H. Huxley. a friend and follower of Charles Darwin, at the Royal College of Science in London. While he was at this college, he became interested in society and often thought about ways to organise it better. He did not like the fact that there were rich people and poor people in the world and thought that everyone should be equal. Wells left college in 1887 and became a teacher. Later, he married Amy Catherine Robbins and they had two sons together. He began writing in his free time and published his first novel, The Time Machine. 1895, Other famous novcls include The Invisible Man (1897) and The War e was able to financially, he left teaching to write ful time, and produced a large body of work, both fictiom and non-fiction. Wells died in London, on 13th August, 1946. Today. people remember him as one of the best science- fiction writers of all time and as a man who had ideas on how to improve our world. He invented words like time machine', 'parallel universe' and 'heat-ray', and made many predictions about the the Worlds (1898), Once future that have come true.

4 Ask and answer questions, as in the example. A: Where was H.G. Wells born? B: He was born in Bromley, Kent. A: What did he do before he became a writer? etc 64 помогите пожалуйста​