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Меня зовут Альбина. Мне 22 года. Я родилась в городе Торжок, он находится в Тверской области. После окончания школы переехала в Санкт-Петербург и поступила колледж Туризма и гостиничного сервиса. После окончания колледжа я решила получить высшее образование и поступила в университет. На данный момент я не работаю. Свободное время люблю проводить на свежем воздухе. В будущем я мечтаю окончить курсы визажиста и открыть свою студию красоты. Мне нравится делать людей красивыми и видеть улыбку на их лицах. Для того чтобы успешно находить подход к разным людям и лучше их понимать, для обучения я выбрала специальность психолога.
Моя семья живет в другом городе, у меня есть младший брат, ему 17 лет в этом году он закончил школу и сейчас готовится к поступлению в университет. Моя мама учительница математики. Сейчас в школе каникулы и она работает в летнем лагере. Очень скоро моя мама и брат приедут ко мне в гости.
My name is Albina. I am 22 years old. I was born in the city of Torzhok, he is in the Tver region. After graduation, I moved to St. Petersburg and entered the College of Tourism and hotel services. After graduating from college, I decided to get a higher education and entered the university. At the moment I'm not working. I like to spend free time in the fresh air. In the future, I dream of finishing make-up courses and opening my beauty studio. I like to make people beautiful and see the smile on their faces. In order to successfully find an approach to different people and better understand them, for training I chose the specialty of a psychologist.
My family lives in another city, I have a younger brother, he is 17 years old this year he graduated from school and is now preparing to enter the university. My mother is a teacher of mathematics. Now she is in vacation school and she works in the summer camp. Very soon my mom and brother will come to visit me
My name is Albina. I am 22 years old. I was born in the city of Torzhok, it is situated in the Tver region. Having graduated a school, I moved to St. Petersburg and entered the College of Tourism and Hotel Services. After graduating from college, I decided to get a higher education and enrolled the university. At the moment I‘m being without job. I like to spend free time in the outside. In the future, I dream of finishing make-up courses and opening my beauty studio. I like to make people beautiful and see the smile on their faces. In order to successfully find an approach to different people and better understand them, for training I chose the specialty of a psychologist.
My family lives in another city, I have a younger brother, he is 17 years old, this year he graduated a school and is now preparing to sign up the university. My mother is a teacher of mathematics. Now is a school summer holidays and she works in the summer camp. Very soon my mom and brother will come to visit me.