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Автор ответа: Аноним
5) 1. Kate cooks dinner every day. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow. Kate is cooking dinner now. Kate cooked dinner yesterday.
2. I don't eat ice cream every day. I'm not eating ice cream now. I won't eat ice cream tomorrow. I didn't eat ice cream yesterday.
3. He spent last summer in the country. He didn't spend last winter in the country. Did he spend last spring in the country? Where did he spend last autumn? 
4. She helped mother yesterday. She didn't help father yesterday. Did she help sister yesterday? How did she help sister yesterday?
5. Do you go to school every day? Are you going to school now?
6. Will you go to the south next summer? Did you go to the north last winter? 
7. What does your brother do every day? What is your brother doing now? What will your brother do tomorrow? What did your brother do yesterday?
8. What did you get for your last birthday? What will you want to get for your next birthday? 

6) 1. My friend goes to the library every Wednesday. 2. He didn't go to the country yesterday. 3. Why did you go to the shop yesterday? 4. We will grow tomatoes next summer. 5. What are you doing now? 6. He's sleeping now. 7. Where did your father work last year? 8. Will she go to the south next summer? 9. He didn't watch TV yesterday. 10. Yesterday we wrote a test. 11. I bought a very good book last Tuesday. 12. Granny went shopping but didn't buy many things yesterday. 13. What will you buy in the supermarket tomorrow? - A lot of things. 14. Don't make noise! Father is working. 15. Will your brother go to the country with us next Sunday? 16. Granny isn't cooking dinner now. 17. We cooked our meals on a fire last summer. 18. My sister washes the dishes every morning. 19. When will you go to school? 20. What will you prepare for breakfast tomorrow?

7) 1. Max isn't here. He's washing his car. He washes it every weekend. 2. He won't play the piano tomorrow. 3. We saw a very good film last Sunday. 4. Does your mother cook every day? 5. I spent last summer at the seaside. 6. Where did you spend last summer? 7. Where will he spend next summer? 8. What is your mother doing now? - She's cooking dinner. 9. I didn't play computer games yesterday. 10. Last Sunday we went to the theatre. 11. I met my friend yesterday. 12. I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday. 13. Will you write a dictation tomorrow? 14. I'm not writting a report now. 15. Mother cooked a holiday dinner yesterday. 16. Tomorrow we won't go to school.

8) 1. Sports are popular in Russia. 2. Children and grown-ups are fond of sports. 3. She is so happy but I don't know why. 4. Where are you going? - I'm going to the stadium to see the football match. 5. Do you know that a very interesting match took place last Sunday? 6. He went to the south a week ago. 7. When I was about fifteen years old, I enjoyed playing football. 8. Our football team won many games last year. 9. Where is Boris? - He's playing chess with his friend. 10. I am sorry I missed the party yesterday. 11. I think Nellie will leave for Moscow tomorrow. 12. I am in a hurry. My friends are waiting for me.

9) 1. You were at the theatre yesterday. Did you like the opera? - Oh yes, I enjoyed it greatly. 
2. Her English isnt good, but she works on it.
3. A week ago they didn't know what to think.
4. Last Tuesday he was sad and had no idea where to go.
5. Could you tell me the way to the cinema? Am I going the right way?
6. Will you invite your cousin to stay with you next summer?
7. How did you help your grandparents last summer?
8. I will send a letter to my friend tomorrow.
9. Every morning on the way to school I meet my friends.
10. That is strange! Listen! His grandfather is playing to rock'n'roll music.

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