Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sashulka518

Билет № 10
Read the text and answer the questions.
Danina Petrovska was born in 1885 in Moscow. Her father was an officer in the Litovsky Regiment, and she had four brothers. They were tall and handsome and wore uniforms, and brought her sweets when they came home to visit. The youngest of them was twelve years older than she was. And when they were at home, they sang and played with her, and made lots of noise. She loved being with them when they ran with her, and let her pretend that they were horses. It was obvious to everyone, that her brothers adored her.
Danina remembered that her mother had a lovely face and gentle ways and she sang Danina to sleep at night, after telling her long, wonderful stories about when she was a little girl herself. She used to laugh a lot, and Danina loved her. She died when Danina was five, of typhoid. And after that, everything changed in Danina’s life.
Her father had absolutely no idea what to do about her. He and his sons were in the army, so he hired a woman to take care of her, a string of them, but after two years, he knew he simply couldn’t do it anymore. He had to find another solution for Danina. And he found a perfect one. He went to St.Petersburg to make the arrangements. He was vastly impressed when he spoke to Madame Markova. She was a remarkable woman, and the ballet school and company she ran would provide not only a home for Danina but a useful life, and a future she could rely on.
1.What is this text about?
2.What did they do when the brothers were at home?
3.What did Danina remember of her mother?
4.Where did her father go to make the arrangements?
5.Do you like the story? Why?


Автор ответа: ElskerNorge


1.What is this text about?

This text is about Danina Petrovska's childhood.

2.What did they do when the brothers were at home?

When they were at home, they sang and played with her, and made lots of noise. She loved being with them when they ran with her, and let her pretend that they were horses. It was obvious to everyone, that her brothers adored her.

3.What did Danina remember of her mother?

Danina remembered that her mother had a lovely face and gentle ways and she sang Danina to sleep at night, after telling her long, wonderful stories about when she was a little girl herself. She used to laugh a lot, and Danina loved her.

4.Where did her father go to make the arrangements?

He went to St.Petersburg to make the arrangements.

5.Do you like the story? Why?

I like the story as I like to read stories about real people.

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Предмет: Математика, автор: чайынды