Предмет: Литература, автор: diana1267

характеристика Дон Кіхота на украінській мові


Автор ответа: ulianamajher57p5wp9a
Дон Кіхот-бідний ідальго,який зовсім втратив здоровий глузд,без міри начитавшись низькопробних рицарських романів.Вигадавши нове імя собі,своїй шкапі,знайшовши кумедні старі облідунки,він вирушає у мандри Іспанією 17 століття,щоб захищати ображених та пригноблених.Його мета благоробна і добра,але герой викликає у співвітчизників лише сміх та нерозуміння.Дон Кіхот живе у своєму вигаданому світі рицарства і не хоче бачити реалій сучасного йому життя.Дон Кіхот- добрий і справедливий,діяльний та самоввіданий.Він не потребує визнання інших,бо абсолютно переконаний у своїй правоті.

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: leraplaksina09
Joanne ... (go) to school at Wyedean Comprehensive School and then ... (go on) to study French and Classics at the University of Exeter. Her Classic studies would in very handy later then she ... (think) up all the spells in Harry Potter, some of which are based on Latin!

J.K. Rowling first ... (have) the idea for Harry Potter while delayed on a train traveling from Manchester to London King's Cross in 1990. Over the next five years she ... (begin) to plan out the seven books of the series. She write mostly in longhand and amassed a mountain of notes, many of which were on scraps of paper.

She ... (arrive) in Edinburgh in 1993 with three chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone in her suitcase. By now she ... (have) a baby daughter, Jessica, but she ... (continue) to write in every spare moment she could find. When Joanne had finished the manuscript, she sent the first three chapters to a number of literary agents, one of whom wrote back asking to see the rest of it. She says that it was 'the best latter I had ever received in my life'.

After finishing the first book and whilst training as a teacher, Harry Potter was accepted for publication by Bloomsbury. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone quickly became a bestseller on publication in 1997. As the book was translated into other languages, Harry Potter started spreading round the globe — J.K.Rowling was soon receiving thousands of letters from fans.

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