Предмет: Английский язык, автор: MicromaxChannel

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
1. There are not many the sentences
2.The St Bernard is a small dog
3.Chihuahuas have long legs
4.Dogs can work on farms
5.Sheepdogs help take care of cows
6.The Alaskan Hysky can pull sleds
7.Dogs can't work with the police


Автор ответа: MrsVaderr

There are many kinds of dogs in the world. There can be big, or they can be small. The St Bernard is a very big dog with thick fur and thick legs. The Chihuahua is very small and has thin, short legs. Dogs love to play, but they can also work. Sheepdogs work on farms and help their owners take care of farm animals like cows and sheep. The Alaskan Husky can pull people in sleds across the snow. One kind of dog, the German Shepherd, works with the police. Dogs are really great animals. A dog is man's best friend!


1. There are not many kinds of dogs - False: 'There are many kinds of dogs in the world'

2. The St Bernard is a small dog - False: 'The St Bernard is a very big dog with thick fur and thick legs.'

3. Chihuahuas have long legs - False: 'The Chihuahua is very small and has thin, short legs.'

4. Dogs can work on farms - True: 'Sheepdogs work on farms..'

5. Sheepdogs help take care of cows - True: 'Sheepdogs work on farms and help their owners take care of farm animals like cows and sheep.'

6. The Alaskan Husky can pull sleds - True: 'The Alaskan Husky can pull people in sleds across the snow.'

7. Dogs can't work with the police - False: 'One kind of dog, the German Shepherd, works with the police.'

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