Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Ksyu2316

Change from the active into the passive: 1.The guide met the tourists at the station. 2. I have just read his letter . 3. Our students are discussing an interesting subject. 4. They will finish their work in time. 5. They had already translated the article when I gave them my dictionary. 6. Will they have planted the trees by the beginning of May? 7 .When did they erect the monument? 8 .They build many beautiful houses in our city every year. 9. She was writing a letter when I came in . 10. Russian scientists have made many wonderful discoveries. 11. Who answered the phone? 12. Who did they give the prize? 13 .Two teachers asked us at the examination last year. 14 .The police are questioning him now. 15. We have already done the work. 16. Who discovered America?


Автор ответа: cveta19993

10 - 11 классыАнглийский язык10 баллов

Change from the active into the passive.
1.The guide met the tourists at the station. 2. I have just read his letter. 3. Our students are discussing an interesting subject. 4. They will finish their work in time. 5. They had already translated the article when I gave them my dictionary. 6. Will they have planted the tress by the beginning houses in our city every year. 9. She was writing a letter when I came in. 10. Russian scientists have made many wonderful discovers. 11. Who answered the phone? 12. Who did they give the prize? 13. Two teachers asked us at the examination last year. 14. The police are questioning him now. 15. We have already done the work. 16. Who discovered America?

Попроси больше объяснений СледитьОтметить нарушениеOlegpetrov55 09.04.2015


Ответы и объяснения

Werrinaглавный мозг

1. The tourists were met by the guide at the station. 
2. His letter has just been read by him. 
3. An interesting subject is being discussed by our students. 
4. Their work will be finished in time. 
5. The article had already been translated by they when my dictionary was given to them. 
6. Will they have planted the trees by the beginning houses in our city every year. (проверьте предложение!!!)
9. A letter was being written by her when I came in. 
10. Many wonderful discovers have been made by Russian scientists. 
11. Who(m) was the phone answered by? 
12. Who(m) was the prize given to? 
13. We were asked by two teachers at the examination last year. 
14. He is being questioned by the police now. 
15. The work has already been done by them. 
16. Who(m) was America discovered by?

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