Помогите, пожалуйста написать текст по этому плану!!Буду очень благодарна))♥♥♥
Imagine that your school magazine has asked its readers to submit articles entitled «What Kind of Life Can a Child Born in the Year 2050 Expect?» Write your article (at least 100 words) using the plan below. Do not forget to use appropriate language to express your opinion (I think, I believe, in my opinion, furthermore, moreover, etc.). The beginning and ending have been written for you.
Para 1: How would a 17-year-old boy / girl feel if he/she found himself / herself in the year 2067?
Main body
Para 2: State positive predictions and reasons (e.g. health — longer lives; space travel improve — travel to Venus on holidays, etc.).
Para 3: State negative predictions and reasons (e. g. food — in pills, relationship --fewer friends, etc.).
Para 4: In general, whatever the future brings, I believe that people's life will be quite different from the style of life we have in our time.
I wish I knew what kind of life people will live in the future, say, in 50 years.
I believe people will live longer due to better medicine. For a 17-year by or girl that would mean more living grand- and maybe grand grandparents. Maybe scientists will manage to invent a way to correct genetic defects and eliminate deceases like cancer. From the other side, people in European society tend to have fewer children these days, so that would mean fewer or no siblings in the future. I don’t think we will travel to other planets or galaxies, because this kind of things are rather expense, but I hope science and new technologies will let us live longer and happier lives here, on Earth.
However, I am afraid that the Earth will soon become overpopulated, and that will result in different kinds of conflicts. Also, I am afraid that more advanced societies may be threatened by people from less advanced societies due to weaknesses of democracy.
However, the standards of living constantly improve, and it is likely that this tendency will continue no matter what, until the Earth is hit by a huge asteroid, just like it happened millions of years ago.