Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Uunguryanu

Нужно соединить слова с их определениями.
1 activity, n.
a) to go up very fast

2. industry, n.
b) a group of people who work together to do a particular job
3 manufacture, v.
c) a business that sells help, advice, consultancy, etc., not manufacturing
4. team, n.
d) smth. that you do, or smth. that a company does
5. sky-rocket, v.
e) smth. that you are in charge of in a particular job.
6 responsibility, n.
f) writing a computer program.

7. service, n.
g) all the organizations or companies in a particular area of industry
8. programming, n.
h) to produce large quantities of goods for sale using machinery
9. sector, n.
i) someone who works for another person or company
10. employee, n.
j) the production of goods or services to sell


Автор ответа: ПростоЛёка
1 activity, n. d) smth. that you do, or smth. that a company does
2. industry, n. g) all the organizations or companies in a particular area of industry
3 manufacture, v. h) to produce large quantities of goods for sale using machinery
4. team, n. - b) a group of people who work together to do a particular job
5. sky-rocket, v. a) to go up very fast 
6 responsibility, n. e) smth. that you are in charge of in a particular job.
7. service, n. c) a business that sells help, advice, consultancy, etc., not manufacturing
8. programming, n. f) writing a computer program.
9. sector, n. j) the production of goods or services to sell
10. employee, n. i) someone who works for another person or company
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