Предмет: Русский язык, автор: kgkyzy

Су... гардероб... ястреб... стол... сно... клон... гри... дро... озно... клу... ло... голу... зо...

Sasha20066464: А что надо сделать?


Автор ответа: antonliakhovskii

суп -супы

гардероб - гардеробы

ястреб - ястреба

столб - столбы

сноп - снопы

клоп - клопы

гриб - грибы

дробь - дроби

озноб - озноба

клуб - клубы

лоб - лбы

голубь - голуби

зоб - зобы

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2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
The problems with my parents started when I was sixteen. I wanted a Saturday job but my parents ordered me to stay at home and study for my exams. This made me so angry that I decided to provoke them. I colored my hair white blonde and covered my face in make-up before I went to school. Of course, this didn’t help.
It was a rule that in the evening I was only allowed out once during the week and on Saturday till 10 p.m. Every time I went out, my parents asked me who I was going out with and where we were going. Once I asked to go to a party on a Saturday night. They agreed, but on condition that I would come at 10 p.m. I didn’t speak to my parents for three days after that.
They did not let me organize parties at home and go to discos. They forbided me to wear jeans to school, to watch films for adults on TV and of course to play computer games for a long time. They made me go to the musical school but I hated the guitar. I hoped they would decide I was old enough to look after myself, and leave me alone. . My mother tried to explain how they both felt, but I didn’t want to listen.
But now I am a parent and I have a daughter. Only now I have crossed my mind that they were probably just worried about me. So I try to take care about my daughter in the same way.
Teacher//Thank you for story about your teens problems. But I didn’t know that you had a lot of problems. It will be a good task for us to discusse.
5.Контроль понимания текста
Questions //
1.When did Nasty s problems with her parents start?
2.What did she want to do?
3.In what way did she provoke her parents?
4.When was she allowed to come back home?
5.What did not her parents let?
6.What did they forbid her?
7.What did they make her do?
8. Does she understand her parents now? Why? Prove it.