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автор: ValeriaKozko
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В ноябре 1923 года в японском городе Акита родился пес Хатико . Вскоре после своего рождения он был подарен профессору Хидэсабуро Уэно, который и дал ему имя — Хатико, что в переводе означает «восьмой». Почему именно такое имя? Дело в том, что Хатико стал 8-ой по счету собакой профессора.
Хатико рос очень верным псом и всегда и везде следовал за профессором. Пес провожал своего хозяина на работу и точно в срок приходил его встречать на то же место. Такая удивительная преданность этой собаки в будущем всех представителей породы Акита-ину сделает символами преданности и верности.
В мае 1925 года от инфаркта умер Хидэсабуро Уэно. Тогда Хатико уже исполнилось полтора года. И он продолжал ждать своего хозяина… Каждый день он приходил на станцию Сибуя, как и раньше, и ждал профессора до самых сумерек. А ночевал Хатико на крыльце своего родного дома, который был наглухо закрыт…
Собаку не бросили родственники профессора. Хатико пытались пристроить в знакомые семьи, но, несмотря на это, собака продолжала приходить на станцию и ждать своего хозяина. Работники железнодорожной станции, местные продавцы и просто прохожие, знавшие всю историю, не уставали удивляться этой преданности.
На всю Японию Хатико стал известным в 1932 году после выхода в свет газеты с заметкой об этом преданном псе, который уже более 7 лет ждал возвращения своего умершего хозяина. После этого, толпы людей хлынули на железнодорожную станцию Сибуя с целью увидеть вживую этого преданного пса.
Так и приходил Хатико, желая встретить своего хозяина, до самой своей смерти. 9 лет верный пес ждал возвращения профессора. День смерти Хатико стал днем траура для всех японцев.
Памятник Хатико в Японии. Хатико верный друг смотреть онлайнВ 1934 году собаке был воздвигнут памятник, который в период мировой войны был уничтожен. Металл от памятника пошел на военные нужды. Но жители страны восходящего солнца не забыли своего героя и по окончанию войны восстановили памятник. Сейчас памятник Хатико является излюбленным местом встреч влюбленных пар. А сам Хатико стал для них примером для подражания, символом беззаветной и глубокой преданности.
В 1987 году вышла премьера фильма, основанная на событиях 50-летней давности. Фильм это рассказывает о нерушимой любви собаки к человеку. А в этом году вышла американская версия данной киноленты, которая мгновенно покорила сердца сентиментальных зрителей. Сейчас история Хатико стала всемирным достоянием.
Автор ответа:
In November 1923 in the Japanese city of Akita the dog Hatiko was born. Shortly after his birth, he was presented to Professor Hideasaburo Ueno, who gave him the name - Hatiko, which means "eighth". Why this name? The fact is that Khatiko became the 8th dog of the professor.
Khatiko grew up a very faithful dog and always followed the professor everywhere. The dog escorted his master to work and just in time came to meet him at the same place. Such amazing devotion to this dog in the future of all representatives of the breed Akita-inu will make the symbols of devotion and fidelity.
In May 1925, Hidesaburo Ueno died of a heart attack. Then Hachiko was already a year and a half. And he continued to wait for his master ... Every day he came to the station Shibuya, as before, and waited for the professor until the twilight. And Khachiko spent the night on the porch of his native house, which was tightly closed ...
The dog was not abandoned by the professor's relatives. Hachiko tried to attach to familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its master. Workers of the railway station, local salesmen and just passers-by, who knew the whole story, never tired of marveling at this devotion.
The whole of Japan Hachiko became famous in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with a note about this faithful dog who for more than 7 years was waiting for the return of his deceased host. After that, crowds of people poured into the railway station of Shibuya in order to see the live dog.
So came Hatiko, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years the faithful dog waited for the professor's return. The day of death of Khatiko became a day of mourning for all Japanese.
Hachiko Monument in Japan. Hachiko is a loyal friend to watch online. In 1934, a monument was erected to the dog, which was destroyed during the World War. Metal from the monument went to military needs. But the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun did not forget their hero and after the war they restored the monument. Now the Hachiko monument is a favorite meeting place for couples in love. And Hachiko himself became an example for them to follow, a symbol of selfless and deep devotion.
In 1987, the film premiered, based on the events of 50 years ago. The film tells about the dog's indestructible love for a man. And this year the American version of this film came out, which instantly won the hearts of sentimental spectators. Now the history of Hachiko has become a world heritage.
Khatiko grew up a very faithful dog and always followed the professor everywhere. The dog escorted his master to work and just in time came to meet him at the same place. Such amazing devotion to this dog in the future of all representatives of the breed Akita-inu will make the symbols of devotion and fidelity.
In May 1925, Hidesaburo Ueno died of a heart attack. Then Hachiko was already a year and a half. And he continued to wait for his master ... Every day he came to the station Shibuya, as before, and waited for the professor until the twilight. And Khachiko spent the night on the porch of his native house, which was tightly closed ...
The dog was not abandoned by the professor's relatives. Hachiko tried to attach to familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its master. Workers of the railway station, local salesmen and just passers-by, who knew the whole story, never tired of marveling at this devotion.
The whole of Japan Hachiko became famous in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with a note about this faithful dog who for more than 7 years was waiting for the return of his deceased host. After that, crowds of people poured into the railway station of Shibuya in order to see the live dog.
So came Hatiko, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years the faithful dog waited for the professor's return. The day of death of Khatiko became a day of mourning for all Japanese.
Hachiko Monument in Japan. Hachiko is a loyal friend to watch online. In 1934, a monument was erected to the dog, which was destroyed during the World War. Metal from the monument went to military needs. But the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun did not forget their hero and after the war they restored the monument. Now the Hachiko monument is a favorite meeting place for couples in love. And Hachiko himself became an example for them to follow, a symbol of selfless and deep devotion.
In 1987, the film premiered, based on the events of 50 years ago. The film tells about the dog's indestructible love for a man. And this year the American version of this film came out, which instantly won the hearts of sentimental spectators. Now the history of Hachiko has become a world heritage.
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