Сочинение на английском !! помогитеВыберите одну тему!A )Журнал для подростков предлагает приз за лучшую короткую историю, начинающуюся с предложения: “Был замечательный солнечный день на фестивале, и казалось, что ничего не должно было пойти не так”. Напишите свою историю (120-180 слов).В )Ваш школьный журнал ищет короткие истории с заголовком "Бедственный выходной". Напишите свою историю. (120-180 слов).C )Вы решили поучаствовать в конкурсе коротких историй. Ваша история должна заканчиваться словами: “Если бы мы только не поехала на карнавал!” Напишите свою историю (120-180 слов).
I guess I'm not the only one...
I work on a remote site
An hour ago I found out that today is a working day, not a day off (are you serious?). I'm not ready for this. And it's not that I had a great holiday with alcohol. On the contrary, there was no alcohol from the word at all. All because I moved to a new city for myself. I have studied it so much in 3 days that today I have a day from the series " can I have a day off?!". And here to work ...
In general, I often notice a confusion in the days. On Friday, I usually have Thursday and Saturday, respectively, Friday, on which I often plan to visit the office. But then, usually later in the evening, I find out that it's not like that at all.
на всякий случай, вот второе сочинение.
I did not understand what "disastrous weekend" means, most likely some bad weekend, well, I had such a weekend, once at school they asked a lot of homework, almost every lesson had to write an essay, then huge notes, then something to learn, then we still had only 1 day off, it was a year ago, we rested only in vosresenye and of course I did not have a normal rest. And this is despite the fact that with all this, we had to prepare for the OGE at that time, sometimes I am struck by the logic of the teachers and the whole school.
Это сочинение.