Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: Ilyas3843

Помогите написать ЭССЕ про школьную елку с переводом 5-6предложение


Автор ответа: зеник32
Новый год мой самый любимый праздник. Всюду праздничная атмосфера, все готовятся к празднику, наряжают ёлку, покупают фрукты, сладости. Новый год это как сказка для меня. Мы начинаем готовиться к празднованию заранее. Убираемся дома, украшаем комнаты игрушками. Мама всегда готовит для праздничного стола нечто необычное. Особенно хорошо, когда в новогоднюю ночь стоит морозная снежная погода. В окнах всех домов мигают разноцветные огоньки. Все празднуют и веселятся.

Жаңа жыл менің ең сүйікті мейрамым.Барлық мейрамға деген дайындалады, шырша зейнеттейді, жемісті, тәтті тағамдарды сатып алады. Жаңа жыл сол сияқты ертегі мен.Біз мейрамдаға деген дайындалу ілгері бастаймыз. Үй алдырамыз, бөлмелерді ойыншықтармен безендіреміз. Мама әлдебір оғаш мейрамның үстелі үшін ылғи дайындайды.Айрықша жөн, қашан новогоднюю түнге аязды қардың ауа райысы тұрады. Барлық үйдің терезелерінде аймыш-ұймыш жалындар . Барлық тойлайды және шаттанады.

Переводила Елизавета 5 *В*  класса гимназии 60.

Елизаветины слова:
Я переводила сама, составляла текст сама. Переводить помогла бабушка по словарю. Русский текст тоже сама. Надеюсь тебе понравится,моей учительнице понравилось и она мне поставила 5! Спасибо за внимание.
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Task: Read the text. Choose the best variant to fill the gaps with the phrases given below. There are more phrases than needed. Homework is major part of going to school. Luckily, there are several things you can do (1) Be sure you understand the assignment. When you settle down to do homework, (2) ____. Having parked in front of the TV or in the kitchen may have worked when you were younger and your assignments didn't require as much skill and concentration. (3) J a room where you can get away from noise and distractions is the best place to get homework done. It's tempting to start with the easy stuff, but you'll have the most energy and focus when you begin, so it's best to use (4) that are most challenging. If you get stuck on a problem, try to figure it out (5) Sometimes even though you're paying attention in class, certain subjects see (6) Naturally, this makes you hate a class and everything to do with it. If you need extra help, it's important to know (7) embarrassing about it. No one is expected to understand everything, and people have very different learning styles. school, on weekends, or in the evening. (9) _____ having a tutor is that it gives you the opportunity to ask questions directly and work at your own pace. The first place to turn for help is your teacher. If you're in a big enough school, there may be other teachers who teach the same subject. You can also get some advice (8) or get a tutor, either after(9) _____ having a tutor is that it gives you the opportunity to ask questions directly and work at your own pace. Remember to take a 15-minute break every hour. Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you less productive. But if you’re really concentrating, wait until it’s a good time to stop. When you finish, be sure to put your homework safety (10) _____ – there’s nothing worse than having a completed assignment that you can’t find the next morning or gets ruined by a careless (11) ______. Now you’re free to hang out. A the advantage of B pay attention where you do it C this mental power in the subject D brother or sister E from another student F the particular homework G now that you’re older H away in your backpack I that there’s nothing J as best as you can K especially if you are L to make it less work M too difficult ​
Предмет: Математика, автор: dulskaatatana