Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ВуНдЕрКиНд1994

какое предложение составить со схемой [ ],( )


Автор ответа: маша19951
Можно составить например: сложноподчиненное
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dilnozaibragimova04
7. Read the text and put 5 special questions. Home or homeless? Every year, thousands of young people in Britain leave home in search of a better or more exciting life; many of them go to London, attracted by the bright lights, the night life, the youth scene and the hope of finding work. 16-year olds who leave school with few or no qualifications find it very hard to get jobs; indeed, in some British cities, particularly in the North, finding work is almost impossible for unqualified people, specially young people. London, however, has less unemployment and more jobs; and though no one imagines that the streets of the capital are "paved with gold" (as in the legend), many teenagers make their way to the capital, hoping to set up a new home of their own. Though there are indeed more jobs in London than in most other cities, they are not always good jobs, and the the dream of leaving home and finding a job often turns out to be just that; a dream. Many return home; some become homeless. Homelessness is not a new problem, and there are many associations that help homeless people to find somewhere to live. And although, overall, less people keep coming to London in search of a new life, the number of young people doing so has gone up sharply; their reasons for coming have changed too. London's biggest homeless charity, Centre point, reported that causes of homelessness among teenagers have changed ; instead of leaving home because of "pull factors" (the attraction of London, the hope of a job) more and more young people now leave home because of "push factors", victims of broken homes, poverty or physical aggression. It's all part of our changing society. In 1961, only about 5% of children (about half a million children) in Britain lived in single-parent families; in 2013, 22% of children, that is three million children, lived in single-parent families. Single-parent families are generally poorer than traditional families. Even teenagers with caring parents and lovely homes dream of leaving home. Kids in poor or aggressive homes dream too; in their situation, it's not surprising that they may want to make their dreams come true. please help me ​
Предмет: Математика, автор: XD9
Предмет: Биология, автор: Polinashewchenko2007
Проверочный тест по биологии 6 класс

Тема: «Размножение организмов»

Вариант 1.

Часть А.При решении заданий части А выберите один правильный ответ на вопрос.

1. В природе существует два типа размножения:

А) внутреннее и наружное Б) половое и вегетативное

В) бесполое и внутреннее Г) половое и бесполое

2. Наиболее простая форма бесполого размножения:

А) спорообразование Б) деление

В) почкование Г) вегетативное размножение

3. Особый тип клеток с плотными оболочками называется:

А) почка Б) спора

В) спорангий Г) коньюгация

4. Плодовые деревья размножаются:

А) почками Б) ветками

В) прививкой Г) гаметой

5. В половом процессе принимают участие специализированные клетки:

А) гаметы Б) споры

В) соматические Г) почки

6. Почкованием размножаются:

А) растение Б) папоротник

В) гидра Г) грибы

7. Репродуктивный орган цветковых растений:

А) корень Б) цветок

В) лист Г) стебель