Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: Аноним

Стихотворение деду морозу на новый год (на ёлку) 2 четверостишия


Автор ответа: счастливая634
Краснощёкий и плечистый
Добрый дедушка Мороз!
Всё украсил в снег пушистый
И подарочки принёс!

За окном снежинок стая,
Тоже водит хоровод.
Попрощавшись с годом старым,
Мы встречаем Новый год.

Я для Дедушки Мороза
Много песен разучил.
А как вызвали на сцену,
От волнения всё забыл!
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Let us ask you a question.
(STAND) you near glass cases
in a jewelry store admiring multicolored gemstones on display? If it is
So you are no exception. People 2
(MESMERIZE) by pre-
cious stones for millennia. A legend says that once upon a time our sky
was solid substance 3 (MAKE) of glittering crystals. One day
the sky cracked and the shards fell onto the earth as gemstones. Peo-
ple started collecting them so as to be 4 (CLOSE) to heaven.
We still treasure gemstones but for different reasons. For some people
diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires are just a good 5 (IN-
VEST). Others believe that precious stones accumulate positive energy
and are capable of protecting and helping their owners in time of need.
If this idea is true people should bear in mind that gemstones like any
other stones are much 6 (ANCIENT) than human civilization
and should 7 (TREAT) both carefully and respectfully. They
will assist their owners in doing good things but may punish them for
bad deeds. And please, remember to check out the previous owner of
the gemstone you are planning to wear. You'd better be sure he or she
was a good person to allows the 107 och ontos
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