Предмет: Русский язык, автор: fokinaksenia20

В одном из при­ведённых ниже пред­ло­же­ний НЕ­ВЕР­НО упо­треб­ле­но вы­де­лен­ное слово. Ис­правь­те лек­си­че­скую ошиб­ку, по­до­брав к вы­де­лен­но­му слову па­ро­ним. За­пи­ши­те по­до­бран­ное слово.

Все при­зыв­ни­ки и во­ен­но­обя­зан­ные под­ле­жат ВО­ИН­СКО­МУ учёту.
Вес­ной река пред­став­ля­ет собой стре­ми­тель­ный поток, а летом ухо­дит под землю, остав­ляя лишь КА­МЕ­НИ­СТОЕ русло.
Из­де­лия из на­ту­раль­но­го ЧЕ­РЕ­ПА­ШЬЕ­ГО пан­ци­ря, до­воль­но рас­про­странённые ранее, стали в наше время ред­ко­стью.
КОР­НЕ­ВОЙ пе­ре­лом в ходе Ве­ли­кой Оте­че­ствен­ной войны был вме­сте с тем пе­ре­ло­мом в ходе Вто­рой ми­ро­вой войны.
Отцу ка­за­лось, что и его сын боль­ше скло­нял­ся не к точ­ным на­у­кам, а к ГУ­МА­НИ­ТАР­НЫМ.


Автор ответа: Jul75
КОРЕННОЙ перелом в ходе...
Автор ответа: eliza2032
не корневой, а коренной
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!!!!Сделайте пожалуйста переказ текста!!!!!!
Nowadays everyone needs to have IT skills. According to a recent study, young people are better at using technology than most adults. There are many examples of successful digital entrepreneurs who started young. Elon Musk, the founder of Space and Tesla, inc., became interested in computing when he was only ten. He taught himself computer programming and two years later, he sold his first video game. Today, his companies make electric cars, spacecraft and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software.
The best places to learn iT skills are, of course, schools and universities. Around a quarter of Ukraine's university students choose to study technical subjects and about 10% of people finishing university are IT specialists. That sounds like a lot of people, but is it really enough? Some experts think the world will need another five million IT experts by 2020 and Ukraine wants to train at least 100,000 of them. To achieve this ambitious goal, a Ukrainian organisation called the BrainBasket Foundation is introducing a number of training programmes for adults and children. In schools, it wants to encourage students to develop an interest in IT subjects. Although a lot of children like playing computer games, they aren't interested in learning how the games are made or learning about IT. To tackle this problem, the BrainBasket Foundation recently launched an educational project called Technology Nation Kids. This will provide after-school classes with specialist trainers in schools and libraries around the country. The aim is to make coding fun and interesting while teaching students how to analyse problems and find solutions.
Even if you aren't planning to become an IT specialist, programming is a very useful skill. 'Everyone should know how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think, said Steve jobs, the founder of the technology company Apple Inc.