Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: ДарьяМ11
определите времена у всех глаголов в тексте: Tom was playing in the garden when his motherwent to the doorway and shouted - Tom, will youdo the shopping for me?
I need a pound ofbutter, a dozen eggs and a box of biscuits.
Oh,and I almost forgot, bring twelve rolls and a smallcake, too.
I shall make a list for you.
Put theshopping list in your sweater so you won't lose it.
- I know.
I know.
- said Tom.
I don't want theshopping list.
I'm clever enough to remember fivethings.
And down the street he ran.
As he turned the corner, he met his aunt talkingwith some ladies.
His aunt asked - Where are youin such a hurry to get to, Tom?
- I'm going to the shop.
- said Tom.
- where is your shopping list?
- she asked.
Andwhat are you going to buy?
- I know.
I know.
- said Tom.
No shopping list forme.
I remember what I have to buy all by myself.
I shall buy a pound of butter, a dozen eggs and abox of biscuits.
And I shall buy a small roll andtwelve cakes.
Before his aunt could say a word, Tom ran offdown the street.
He didn't see her shaking herhead and laughing.
Tom ran to the shop as quickly as he could.
Whenhe got there, the shop assistant asked - What canI do for you, Tom?
Where is your shopping list?
- I don't need one.
- said Tom.
I remembereverything without it.
My mother wants twelvepounds of butter, some small eggs and a box ofbiscuits.
And she wants a pound of rolls andtwelve cakes.
The shop assistant began to laugh.
- I can't give you that.
- he said.
You had better gohome and get your shopping list.
Tom didn't know what to think.
He went slowlyout of the shop.
As Tom was leaving the shop, hemet his father who was on his way home fromwork.
When he saw Tom's face, he asked
- What is wrong, Tom?
- I don't know.
- said Tom.
I went to the shop formother, but the shop assistant didn't give me thethings I ask for.
He just laughed and told me - getmy shopping list.
- What were you asking for?
- said his father andTom answered
- I asked for twelve pounds of butter and a poundof eggs, and I didn't forget the dozen boxes ofbiscuits, the small roll and twelve cakes.
His father began to smile.
- I think I can help you, but the next time bringyour shopping list. Выпишите все глаголы и определите время всех глаголов.
Автор ответа:
практически всех глаголов прошлое время
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