НАПИШИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! ОЧЕНЬ НАДО! ЗА РАНЕЕ СПАСИБО!!! Вы только что были на однодневной поездки с семьей, например, в музей, зоопарк, парк дикой природы, необычная достопримечательность и т.д. Написать письмо, вашему английскому другу по переписке, Павлу рассказать ему все о этой поездке. ( 120-150 СЛОВ) использовать план ниже. вступление: абзац 1: приветствие, вступительное слово, общая информация о месте. основная часть: абзац 2: описание места которое вы посетили (что было) абзац 3: что ты сделал / увидел там заключение: абзац 4: чувства, заключительное слово
Hello, Pavel!
Thanks for your letter! As soon as I have received it I start writing to you.
My family travels a lot. We visited a lot of places. Once we visited New-York. We got there by plain. It was the city which never slept and the city of the skyscrapers. We visited a lot of attractions. We walked in a famous central park which was used in many Hollywood movies. I saw three major airports of the country. This place contained the most complex network of subways in the whole world. There were a lot of hotels and restaurants. In the evening we walked in the streets and saw different interesting people and places. It was great. I will never forget my journey.
With love,
Dear Steve,
I was very glad to hear from you again. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities.
In your letter you ask me to tell you about my trip to the seaside. With a pleasure. A few weeks ago my family and I went to the seaside on my parents holiday. We had a good rest spending much time on the beach. I enjoyed making sandcastles, my mother liked bathing and my father liked watching waves. Suddenly he noticed that not far from the we were it became darker and the waves were bigger and bigger. It was the beginning of great storm. Everybody was frightened and started running away the sea. We ran to our hotel too. There we felt more safely. But I was in shock.
Have you ever been in such situation? Tell me, please, what you felt.
That's for me today. I have to go to the shop for some food.
Best regards to your family.
Write soon.