Предмет: Окружающий мир, автор: ds54f

8. Ты знаешь, что для нормального развития растений необходимы определённые условия. Петя положил несколько семян гороха в стеклянный стакан с влажной землёй и поставил стакан на свет к окну. После он взял картонную коробку из-под обуви, сделал в ней отверстие прямоугольной формы и накрыл коробкой стеклянный стакан. Через несколько дней Петя увидел первые ростки с листьями проросшего гороха, появившиеся из отверстия. Какой вывод мог сделать Петя по результатам своего опыта? 1) Для прорастания семян необходим свет. 2) Для прорастания семян необходима сухая земля. 3) Коробка способствует быстрому росту растений. 4)Растущее растение стремится к свету. Ответ:

никта567: четыре
ds54f: ДА
ds54f: МОЛДЕЦ
evelina9005: 4) Растущее растение стремится к свету....


Автор ответа: САНЁК200511
правильный ответ четыре
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: samiraonsaeva2
Read the text. Then write true or false. Correct the false sentences.
Scientists cloned a sheep in 1996. They gave her the name of Dolly. Her birth caused a sensation around the world because it was the first time that scientists had doned an animal from another adult animal. Her death in 2003 opened the discussion about the moral problems of cloning. In addition, scientists wanted to do more research to discover if Dolly had died early because she was a clone. Normally sheep live for about eleven or twelve years, but Dolly was only six when she died. Did that mean that she was already six when she was born? Interestingly, the sheep the scientists used to done Dolly was six, so perhaps Dolly had the same genetic age?
Dolly had four healthy lambs, but scientists discovered that Dolly suffered from arthritis in her legs. A virus caused her main illness. However, we don't know for certain whether doning always creates naturally unhealthy animals. There are scientists who want to experiment more in order to learn the truth.
Cloning may become a way to save animals which are in danger of extinction. In January 2009 scientists from the Centre of Food Technology and Research of Aragon, in northern Spain, announced the cloning of the Pyrenean ibex. Unfortunately, the cloned ibex died shortly after its birth. It might also be possible to re-create animals which no longer exist. So don't be surprised when you see a dinosaur the next time you go to the zoo!
Dolly was not born naturally. true
1. At first, nobody was interested in Dolly.
2. Dolly had a shorter life than other sheep.
3. Dolly did not become a mother.
4. Dolly was not a healthy animal.
5. We will never see dinosaurs again.​
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