Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Acaciadealbat

н қолдану
I. READING. Read the text. Choose the best answer.
Are you one of the many who lie awake at night listening to anything that makes the slightest noise? Or you wake up from sleep in the middle of the night only to spend the rest of it tossing and turning? Insomnia is one of the most common and most misunderstood problems. Many people seek professional help. Conventional medicine, however, is of limited help: the typical sufferer will be prescribed some form of medication that is effective in the short term, so, he or she is desperate for a good night's sleep. In recent years researchers have invited insomniacs to take part in treatment programmes so that their sleep patterns and behaviour can be studied.
Normally, people sleep between seven and eight hours a day, although some people need less than this and some may need more. According to sleep expert Dr.Robert Schachter, many people do not know why they have difficulty in sleeping. Most people know that tea and coffee often make it difficult to go to sleep because they contain caffeine.
But some medicines, such as cold tablets, also contain caffeine and interfere with sleep. Sleeping pills may help you fall asleep, but when you wake the next morning you don't feel refreshed. Our living habits also affect our sleep. Busy people who are under stress during the day may not be able to calm down and fall asleep at night.
Dr.Schachter says that you will sleep more easily if your bedroom is used only for sleep. You shouldn't use your bedroom as a conference room, a TV room, or an exercise room. You should also establish a regular sleeping schedule, but don't go to bed until you are tired. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. And if all this doesn't work, try counting sheep!
1. According to the text
a) insomnia is the problem of only unhealthy people;
b) sleep also depends on our living habits;
c) there's a special treatment for insomnia.
2. People who suffer from insomnia
a) should take sleeping pills;
b) should try counting sheep;
c) should have a regular sleeping timetable.
3. According to sleep expert Dr. Robert Shachter:
a) caffeine is the main problem of insomniacs;
b) only busy people suffer from insomnia;
c) many people have no idea why they can't sleep


Автор ответа: Volkh
1  b) sleep also depends on our living habits;

2    c) should have a regular sleeping timetable.

a) caffeine is the main problem of insomniacs;

1 б) сон также зависит от наших жизненных привычек;

2 с), должны иметь регулярный режим сна.

3 а) кофеин главная проблема бессонницы;

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В переказ

Г мiф

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A Tepa

Б Артеміда В Тефнут

Г Афродіта

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Д подвиги героїв

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6. Визначте, якого символічного значення набуває образ Геракла.

- це

У завданні 7 необхідно встановити відповідність інформації. До кожного рядка, позначеного цифрою, Доберіть вiдповiдник, позначений буквою. Упишіть відповіді в таблицю 7. Установіть відповідність між міфологічними образами та їхніми характеристиками.

1 Iндра

2 Вішну

3 Геракл 4 Прометей

А хранитель світу Б бог грози та грому

В бог вогню і ковальства

Г непереможний богатир

Д навчитель і заступник смертних