Предмет: Английский язык, автор: SankaProtasevichsss

текст на английском про лисицу


Автор ответа: Ckarlet73
Facts about Fox for kids – Interesting Information about FoxFoxes are the omnivorous mammals that belong to Canidae family. They range in different sizes from small sizes to medium sizes. They have flattened skill, pointed, upturned snout, long and bushy tail and triangular ears pointed upright. The most widespread and common fox species is red fox. The existence of carnivores like fox in the world, is improving the reputation of cunning and clever creatures.
Foxes in wild areas can live up to ten years only. Most of the foxes may live only for two to three years because of hunting, diseases and road accidents. The foxes are usually smaller as compared to other members in the Canidae family like jackals, domestic dogs and wolves. The male species of foxes are known as reynards and the female foxes are known as vixens. The features that look like foxes include distinctive muzzle and the bushy tails. Other kinds of physical characteristics these foxes have vary with the habitat where they live. Foxes live in the form of small family troops and groups. The foxes are famous as opportunistic feeders who hunt their prey to live and feed.
Foxes are the omnivores. Their diet includes small mammals and the invertebrates, amphibians, grasses, fruits, birds, dung beetles, eggs, fish, berries, scorpions, reptiles, small animals and several kinds of insects. Most of the species of foxes are predators, while some of them are specialists.
Foxes are classified in several genera. Some of its types include Canis, Vulpes, Dusicyon and many more.
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