Предмет: Английский язык, автор: пупсик52

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Автор ответа: Zhanibekovna
The Legendary English-Only Vote of 1795Dennis BaronIn April, 1987, an election judge from Missouri wrote to Ann Landers citing the following excerpt from the local Election Manual to support the argument that everyone's vote counts: “In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German.” The statement is not strictly true, as many of Landers' more alert readers quickly pointed out. The vote in question did not take place. However, language became a political and an emotional issue as early as the 1750s, when British settlers in Pennsylvania began to fear and resent the fact that a third of their fellow Pennsylvanians were German speakers.Since that time, American nativists have sought to eradicate minority languages and discourage bilingualism wherever it could be found: in Maine and Louisiana, California and New Mexico, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, as well as in Pennsylvania. Complaints about Germans as well as other non-English-speakers became all too common in the last quarter of the 19th century, and again during and after World War I, when the fear of immigrants and their languages prompted protective English-only legislation. Many Americans considered nonanglophones to be less than human: in 1904 a railroad president told a congressional hearing on the mistreatment of immigrant workers, “These workers don't suffer—they don't even speak English” (Shanahan, 1989.) Today as well there is opposition to nonanglophones and bilinguals—this time not Germans but Hispanic and Asian Americans. The result is the proposed English Language Amendment (ELA), a Constitutional amendment making English the official language of the United States.Despite the latest rehearsal in Ann Landers' advice column of the myth that German had once come close to replacing English in the United States, Americans have never had a legally-established official language. The so-called German vote did not take place in 1776, and it had nothing to do with privileging German over English. The legend that it did, which has gone around since at least the 1850s, was spread initially by propagandists celebrating German contributions to American culture. It has since been taken over by those who claim that the English language in the United States is an endangered species. The story of the German Vote is occasionally trotted out by ELA supporters to demonstrate the power of ethnic groups to subvert national unity and to warn Americans that although the German threat to English has been defused, the Spanish one has not.The events whose misinterpretation gave rise to the legend of the German vote occurred in 1795, though the date is frequently changed to the more patriotically crucial year of 1776. As is characteristic of such stories, what actually occurred is not entirely clear. What is clear is that Congress never considered replacing English with any other language or giving any other tongue equal status with English. In the 18th century there were rumors that a few Brit-bashing superpatriots campaigned to have the new nation drop English in favor of Hebrew, French, or Greek, considered in the late 18th century to be the languages of God, rationality, and democracy, respectively. But the desire to found a New Eden rather than a New Babel assured that the United States would be united both legally and socially under a single language, and that language would be English. Noah Webster championed a dialect-free Federal English based on his spelling book (and his own New England dialect). John Adams rightly predicted that English would become the next world language. And Roger Sherman of Connecticut is reported to have urged Americans to retain English and make the British speak Greek. (See Baron, 1982.) Despite the solid position of English both initially and throughout American history, the legend of the German vote persists.

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Предмет: Литература, автор: dashil2005
Потеря друзей почти так же проста, как заводить друзей, если вы не знаете, как бороться с гневом и конфликтом. Конфликт - это часть жизни каждого. Он сказывается на школе, на работе и дома. Это нормально чувствовать себя сердитым, расстроенным, раздраженным, разочарованным или грустным. Эти чувства естественны, но то как вы справляетесь с ними меняет дело. Некоторые люди визжат, кричат, ругаются, обзываются, пытаются отомстить или даже ударить человека, который причинил им боль. Другие делают все возможное, чтобы держаться подальше от разногласий, поскольку очень немногие справляются с конфликтами успешно.
Разрешение конфликта является поэтапным процессом. Прежде чем вы начнете обсуждать проблему, остыньте, сосчитайте до 10, сделайте глубокий вдох и представьте себе место, где можно расслабиться. Затем скажите, что вас действительно беспокоит. Выполняя это, смотрите, как вы ведёте себя. Не вините и не упрекайте. Расскажите, как вы себя чувствуете, используя утверждения с «Я». Например, не говорите: «Ты всегда мной командуешь», а говорите «Я чувствую себя расстроенным, потому что ты не обращаешь внимания на то, что я думаю».
Вы хотите, чтобы люди прислушивались к вашему мнению, поэтому убедитесь, что вы придерживаетесь того, что вы проповедуете. Прислушайтесь внимательно к другому человеку и примите, что он или она может увидеть проблему по-другому. Будьте гибкими и открытыми, готовыми извиниться, простить и двигаться дальше.

Предмет: Математика, автор: vladislav0419