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выпеши из сказки Александра Сергеевича Пушкина слова и сочетания слов которые встречаются в народных сказках


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Красна девица, молодой молодец.
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If you look for Sealand, Bergonia or the Aerican Empire on a map, you won't find them. People sometimes try create new countries either in reality or on the internet but usually they aren't recognized by the UN or the rest of the world. Why create a new country? Well, it seeme that there are always people who are unhappy with the government, policies or laws where they live and they want to create a better place. Others simply do it for fun If you want to start a new nation in the real world, you will need some territory, To do that, people sometimes claim, buy or even build islands, In the case of Sealand, the territory is a metal platform in the sea near the British coast. Since they claimed the platform, the Bates family - "Prince' Roy, "Princess' Joan and 'Prince Michael have tried to be recognized as rulers of a nation, but without success. Sealand has got a flag and has produced its own currency and stamps. However, you will be in trouble if you visit without an invitation.You should contact them in advance if you want to visit. The Bates family won't iet you land unless they know who you are. The platform was once invaded by a small people, so visitorS are no longer welcome, Agar from the micronations which have real territory, there are now hundreds of virtual countries on the internet. Bergonia, for example, was started. American lawyer, Joseph Cometti. He has written a complete online history of his fictional couritry and has invented flags, maps, laws and other documents. If you apply for a Bergonian passport, you'll receive one, but you won't actually be able to travel with it. gang of a hobby by an Another popular, but less sensible micronation is the Aerican Empire, which was founded in 1987 and has more than a hundred citizens. The nation's website says that it owns a house in Canada, land on Pluto and will also own the planet Verden, if somebody discovers it. It's the ideal nation for people with a sense of humour. Eric Lis declared himself emperor and there are elections för jobs such as Minister of Silly Things. There are also twventy- elght public holidays every year, including Happy Things Day and Idiots' Day. Therefore, if you want to go on holiday all the time, just become an Aerican​