Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ElsaRazzengraffe

рассказ о японии на английском


Автор ответа: Шаукат23232
So off. Pre refueled in R2, we are on the board. Fly not close - 9 hours, and ahead of us experience and, of course, acclimatization. Flight undeniably tedious, but the neighbors have got funny. Arriving at Narita Airport, I was just beginning to cut down - Keep a last effort, the difference with Moscow for 5 hours, but the night was sleepless. The main rule of acclimatization - do not lay down to sleep upon arrival, and try to adapt to local time. Narita - it is a city of more than 80 gates. Train runs between the terminals. Before Tokyo did not get close, about 60 km. But it has excellent transport links.
So, Tokyo.
Tokyo - a city of contrasts, amazing and spectacular, huge and at the same time compact, the height is unreal skyscrapers coexist with magical parks and gardens, swim in ponds where almost tame carp, turtles, herons and ducks. The Japanese are poor to land, so development is extremely dense, smooth streets for one car, and even a motorcycle. Skyscrapers are combined with two-story houses, super speed train Shinkansen with old bikes, lush green trees with glass and granite skyscrapers streets simply never cease to amaze. Tokyo - a city of huge, extremely lively, but at the same time completely safe and friendly. We lived in the heart of Tokyo, in the 43-storeyed skyscraper, a 10-minute walk from the Imperial Palace.
There in Tokyo and its homeless. There are not many, but they are - part of the landscape. They're not bothering anyone, and them too. They live quietly in parks and crossings, sleep, covered with a newspaper, no one is prevented, contemplate life and their city takes.
I want to talk about transport. The Japanese live along the roads, and literally on the road. The railway network is developed incredibly. Everything is clear and understandable. For quick and easy movement need to use all kinds of transport: metro, urban and suburban trains, and somewhere and buses. To understand the patterns is not difficult, all the inscriptions are duplicated in English.
Separately want to say about super speed train Shinkansen - bullet train or bullet trains. Some of them reach speeds up to 350 km / h. On one such we went to Kyoto. The feeling is that would be his wings - have soared. If you choose to travel by train in Japan, I recommend to buy a Rail pass - this discount ticket for foreign tourists, a voucher that can be purchased only outside of Japan, and then on the spot to exchange for himself rail pass. Generally, Japan - a very expensive country. For example, one-way ticket to the Kyoto Shinkansene worth $ 160. Here and need Rail pass, it costs $ 300 a week.
Oddly enough, but the cheapest food in Japan, it appeared, and it is in restaurants and eateries. Lunch, dinner for two, we went 10-15 bucks. Very expensive vegetables and fruit. We often eat sushi, they cost a penny, so I declare the protest is now our domestic sushi bars with unjustified prices. To this food is not to your taste, please - all kinds of soups with noodles, meat, fish, desserts, yes anything! Yes, and national restaurants peoples of the world lack. Of course, the ubiquitous Mac.
A great impression on me the Japanese themselves. Still, they are amazing, very friendly, responsive, absolutely not aggressive, respectfully referring to each other, to the elders, just to strangers. When crazy population of the city, at the maximum possible load transport, streets, no hustle, hustle, if you accidentally pushed - certainly apologize. We were even cases where the Japanese came up and, seeing that we are foreigners, just gave us a map of the city. And if you stop and try to deal with the cards - surely someone will stop and tell you the way.
People have a passion, even mania - shopping. As they go shopping all the time. Both men and women are dressed very fashionable and stylish, tasteful. Now I know who work in the fashion of Milan and Paris.
In general, the unforgettable impressions of Japan. The country is a totally different culture and world view. It is not like ours. Worth seeing!
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Беркута і Тугара Вовка.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: zalinka45