Предмет: Математика, автор: TemaBORON936

Из одной точки кольцевой дороги, длина которой равна 22 км, одновременно
в одном направлении выехали два автомобиля. Скорость первого автомобиля
равна 113 км/ч, и через 30 минут после старта он опережал второй
автомобиль на один круг. Найдите скорость второго автомобиля. Ответ дайте
в км/ч.


Автор ответа: irinan2014
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As the term itself implies, the name “Ro-Ro” is an abbreviation of the Roll on, Roll off. These words signify the way of loading cargoes between quay and ship by means of rolled vehicles. These vehicles may be wheeled platforms or “trailers” as they are usually called, towed by tractors or lorries.
The introduction of Ro-Ro vessels led to further progress in International Shipping brought up by containerization. The main advantage of Ro-Ro vessels is that the cargo may be loaded and discharged by the wheeled vehicles which can be used for land transportation without any additional reloading. Rolling the cargo in or out the ship takes considerably less time and labour then lifting and lowering it in a usual way. The rate of handling these goods became much higher than the ships with the conventional use of cranes and winches.
These two factors naturally attracted attention of the people engaged in International Shipping. Many countries began to build Ro-Ro vessels in spite of the fact that building of new ships and of specialized port terminals required great investments of money. The Soviet Union was one of these country too. We have built by now many Ro-Ro vessels which are successfully used in our foreign trade.
There is one or advantage of the Ro-Ro vessels which is no less important; they can carry not only containers, motor-cars, tractors and trailers, but bulk cargo as well.
The principle of construction of these vessels is that they are provided with stern ramps which make it possible for the wheeled vehicles to run in and out of the vessels at an average speed of 20 km an hour. This, of course, greatly accelerated the handling of cargo. If well planned, loading and discharging of Ro-Ro vessels can be carried out simultaneously.
The construction of the ramp enables the cargo to be handled if the level of the pier is 2.2 metres higher or 5.5 metres lower then the deck level. The ramp can be placed in direction of fore-and-aft line or at an angle of about 40 to it. The length of the ramp, when lowered on shore, nay be about 35 metres.
The Ro-Ro vessels are usually three- or four-deckers. The cargo is distributed at various cargo levels through fixed internal ramps or movable bulkheads.
On Soviet ships of the Kapitan Smirnoff type, the power plant is of 50,000 e.h.p., which provides operational speed at about 25 knots.

Words and Word Combinations

term термин
to imply подразумевать, намекать
to signify означать, иметь значение
vehicle перевозочное средство, повозка
to roll катить
to wheel катить, вести (на колесах)
reloading перегрузка
in spite of несмотря на
investment капиталовложение
ramp рампа, аппарель
to accelerate ускорять
simultaneously одновременно
level уровень
three-decker трехпалубное судно
power plant силовая установка
e.h.p. (effective horse power) эффективная л.с.
sound здоровый, крепкий
mood настроение, расположение духа
brilliant блестящий
licensed имеющий права (водителя)
axis ось
to surmise предполагать, высказывать догадку
approximation приблизительная оценка, цифра
to stand зд. выдержать
by far намного


safe and sound жив, здоров, цел и невредим
to settle the question разрешить вопрос
it stands to reason зд. разумно
to my mind по моему мнению
in a way в некотором отношении, до известной степени
Предмет: Математика, автор: krkrjdjff