Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аленкапуперсупер

Почему воскресенье так назвали?


Автор ответа: viktrija
Воскресенье - Слово "Воскресенье" названо в честь воскресения Иисуса на третий день после распятия. У многих народов воскресенье было днём, посвящённым Солнцу (богу Солнца) . Это было характерно, в частности, для дохристианских верований Египта и было заимствовано Римской империей через название дней недели (воскресенье — dies Solis, то есть «день Солнца») . Это название перешло к германским племенам, и в германских языках слово «воскресенье» буквально означает «день Солнца» (англ. Sunday, нем. Sonntag). В Индии воскресенье называется Равивар — «день Солнца» .

Аленкапуперсупер: А почему субботу так назвали?
Автор ответа: лояэля
либо потому что это воскресный день или потому что восьмой день недели

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: TheBestSilver
Задание Use the strategies in the skills builder to match the paragraphs (1-6) with the heading (a-g). there is one extra heading

a) A twenty-first century king

b) Eccentric men and women

c) A solitary life

d) Talking to eccentrics

e) An interesting book

f) A book about eccentrics


Most of us have very ordinary daily lives. We get up at the usual time,
spend hours at school or work and come home at the same time every evening. In
his book on English eccentrics, Henry Hemming looks at unusual people with very
different lives from ours.

According to Hemming, eccentrics are not mad; they see the world
differently from us, have their own personal timetables and are not worried
about people's opinions of them.

In his book, Hemming looks at our national tradition of eccentrics and
meets lots of different eccentric people. He interviews a professional boxer in
aristocratic clothes, an adventurous inventor, a successful fashion designer
and a famous rock musician.

Hemming finds people like Tom Leppard, the Leopard Man. Ninety - two
percent of his body has tattoos. Tom lives alone on a beautiful, windy Scottish
island in a cabin. He does not need a watch or a clock because he has no
obligations. He gets up and goes to bed when he wants to. 'I can do what I like
and when I like, ' he says. 'And that is paradise. ' On a typical day, Tom
feeds the birds or goes for a swim in the sea. Every two weeks he goes to town
in his kayak. He goes to the bank, gets food and then goes back home. Tom is a
hermit 'but I never get lonely here, ' he says.

Hemming's favourite eccentric is the friendly John Rothwell, now called
King Arthur after the sixth century British king. 'King Arthur' does not work
and has no routine or typical day. He rides around Britain on his motorbike and
campaigns to save historic monuments and trees. 'I don' t have a home, ' says
Arthur. 'I never sleep two nights in the same bed. ' He does not need a diary
to plan his life and his only important date is 21 June, the summer solstice.
Then, Arthur goes to Stonehenge to see his 'people', the hippies and pagans at
the festival.

Hemming's book is full of wonderful characters and is
often very funny. It is definitely worth reading.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Арсений00
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним