Дополнительный английский,помогите к вечеру голова не соображает

road accident - дорожная авария; дорожно-транспортное происшествие, ДТП
plane crash - авиакатастрофа
environmental disaster - экологическая катастрофа
crew members – члены экипажа
mountain rescue - горноспасательная служба
fire service - пожарная служба
coast guard - береговая охрана
1 The traffic was terrible this morning. I think it was because of a bad road accident.
2 There were lots of boats in trouble during the storm last night. The coast guard had to rescue them.
3 The ship that sank off the coast of Canada last week caused a huge oil slick. It's a terrible environmental disaster.
4 "Jo, did you hear? There's been an awful plane crash over the Atlantic Ocean. They say over 100 people have been killed."
5 The climbers got into trouble when it started to snow heavily. Fortunately, a mountain rescue team found them in time.
6 The fire service fought for hours to put out the flames, but unfortunately most of the forest was destroyed.
7 The heroic pilot saved the lives of 120 passengers and six crew members.