4. Choose between the adjective and the adverb.
1. Her face was (deep/deeply) lined. The sea is very (deep/deeply) here. Still waters run (deep/deeply).
2. They speak (high/highly) about him. He is a very (high/highly) placed person. The boy threw the stone (high/highly) up into the air.
3. He felt (happy/happily). (Happy/happily) it is no longer necessary. He smiled (happy/happily).
4. She spoke very (kind/kindly) to me. He (kind/kindly) waited for me. It was (kind/kindly) of him to wait for me.
5. Stay (clear/clearly) of us. The sky was (clear/clearly). Wait until you can think more (clear/clearly).
1. Her face was deeply lined. The sea is very deep here. Still waters run deep.
2. They speak highly about him. He is a very high placed person. The boy threw the stone high up into the air.
3. He felt happy. Happily it is no longer necessary. He smiled happily.
4. She spoke very kindly to me. He kindly waited for me. It was kind of him to wait for me.
5. Stay clear of us. The sky was clearly. Wait until you can think more clearly.