Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

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 A lot of young people around the world watch television. But are they watching the same programmes? Paula is Canadian. She watches TV for about 3 hours a day. Satellite TV has really cool quiz shows and it shows the funniest comedy programmes. Satellite TV is better than cable TV. She also thinks the internet is fin. Sne sends email to her friends about their favourite soaps.
Mamodou lives in Mali. A few years ago television in his African country was terrible, but now it better. They have two channels. The first channel snows news and documentaries. Mamadou thinks the second channel is more interesting-there are sports programmes and old films. He watches sports programmes for about five hours a week, but he prefers playing footbal with his friends. He doesn like sitting at home too much.
Keiko is Japanese.Last year she could watch TV a lot, but now she goes to a secondary school and she has a lot of homework. She also plays basketball in the school team. She thinks that the best programmes for young people are Manga cartoons.In fact most Manga fans are older than her,because there are Manga cartoons for all ages. They are fantastic! She can watch TV when her homework is ready.
Yolanda lives in Spain.She watches TV for two hours a day. When she gets home, she does her homework, then she plays computer games or watches TV. She thinks soaps are great.
She never watches reality shows like Big Brother-they are the most boring programmes. They often talk about their favourite TV programmes at school.


1) ..... does homework defore watching TV

a) paula B) Keiko C) mamadou n) Yolanta


2) Paula likes satellite television because it......

a) shows good comedies  B) doesn t broadcast sports programmes c) is better than cable TV n) broadcasts great quiz shows

3)  ....... are Mamadou s favourite on TV.

a) the news  B) Reality shows  C) Sports programmes  n) Documentaries

 4) ...... likes soap  operas.

a) Pauia  B) Keiko c) mamadou  n) Yolanta


5) Choose true sentences.

a) Paula sends emails about films she likes.

B) Mamadou prefers playing football to watching it on TV

c) Yolanda likes watching reality shows

n) Keiko didn t have much time to watch TV last year.  

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Автор ответа: helperinenglish

1) ..... does homework defore watching TV

a) paula B) Keiko C) mamadou n) Yolanta


2) Paula likes satellite television because it......

a) shows good comedies  B) doesn t broadcast sports programmes c) is better than cable TV n) broadcasts great quiz shows

3)  ....... are Mamadou s favourite on TV.

a) the news  B) Reality shows  C) Sports programmes  n) Documentaries

 4) ...... likes soap  operas.

a) Pauia  B) Keiko c) mamadou  n) Yolanta


5) Choose true sentences.

a) Paula sends emails about films she likes.

B) Mamadou prefers playing football to watching it on TV

c) Yolanda likes watching reality shows

n) Keiko didn t have much time to watch TV last year.  



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