рассказ о плохом отношении к животным на английском
Having seen the film about the brutal treatment to animals, I have a lot of conflicting feelings. I was very disappointing for such an attitude toward our lesser brethren» Indeed, this problem exists for a long time and it almost impossible to solve. Man is endowed with the property of, on the one hand, a brilliant, but on the other hand, destructive, suspension for the robe terrible consequences. This property is called the mind or the ability to think rationally. Every person enjoys the mind in its own way. Someone with the mind creates, and someone, on the contrary, destroys. Thanks to this property the person is at a higher level of development, distinctive from the development of all other organisms.
In the film we see how badly we treat animals. People, cruel to the animals, probably, never put yourself in their place. That, if the animals were so to us, people? It is still difficult to understand the magnitude and complexity of this problem. But after some time people Wake, though, most likely, it will be too late, and bring back nothing will be impossible.
The film is very strong, and it is clear call or to refuse from eating meat or to a reduction in the use of meat, or the transition to the path of the development of a more lenient towards animals. It seems to me that some measures should be taken already now. This problem should not affect any of a single man, and every living on the planet Earth. Looking at the exhausted animals, can be understood as the ability to reasonable thinking led mankind into a dead end.