Вставьте предлоги: on, for, through, to, of, in, from.
Текст Would you like to travel ... space? If so, you have to choose where ... ? It is difficult to imagine that there are about 20 stars ... each of human being ... our planet. A group ... stars is called a galaxy. It will take ... you 100,000 years to travel ... one edge of it ... the other. But people hope they will travel ... spase ... huge starships far ... the Earth.
Would you like to travel through space? If so, you have to choose where in ? It is difficult to imagine that there are about 20 stars for each of human being on our planet. A group of stars is called a galaxy. It will take to you 100,000 years to travel from one edge of it to the other. But people hope they will travel through spase in huge starships far from the Earth.