Предмет: Геометрия, автор: Valeria111sos

в параллелограмме даны высоты 8 и 10 см, угол между ними 60. найдите площадь параллелограмма


Автор ответа: sayok

Вначале рисуем параллелограмм АВСD. Из В опускаем высоты ВВ' и BB''
Вычитая из 90 (прямой угол высоты с основанием) 60 (угол между высотами) получаем 30 - угол между высотой и другим основанием. Берём один из прямоугольных треугольников, у которого катет - высота, а гипотенуза - основание идущее к этой высоте под углом 30 градусов. Находим основание, разделив высоту на корень из трёх пополам. Умножаем на другую высоту, получаем площадь
10*8*2/sqrt(3)= 160 sqrt(3) / 3

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Вот если нужен текст
Eco Living
An average family in Nigeria uses 570 kWh* of electricity a year
while a British family uses over 4,000 kWh. However, this is 25%
less than 10 years ago. So, why did the British start using less
Firstly, there were products labelled to show how eco-friendly they
were. Secondly, TV adverts told people how to save energy.
Finally, and most importantly, the price of electricity rose so people
tried to reduce their energy bills.
Despite this, water use is still a problem in the UK. A British person
uses 150 litres of water a day for washing and drinking. One third
of this is for baths, and another 30% for flushing the toilet. But,
it's the virtual water people use which is the biggest issue. Virtual
water is the water that people use to grow, store and transport
food; and, British people use 4,645 litres of it every day!
The good news is that it's easy to reduce the amount of water we
use. Having a shower uses half the water needed for a bath, while
turning the tap off when you brush your teeth saves six litres of water
a minute. Also, washing your vegetables in a bowl then
using that water for you garden helps as well.
Watch out what you eat too. A vegetarian
uses just 2,000 litres of water a day, while
a meat-eater uses 5,000. So eating less
meat might help too!
By working together and following these
simple steps we can make the world a
greener place.