Предмет: История, автор: Zhasminka1999

Сравните фашистский режимы Италии и Германии, срочно пож((в виде таблице нужно.


Автор ответа: Rashelav
Колыбелью фашистского режима заслуженно считается Италия. Причиной зарождения подобного течения, которое со временем переросло в форму государственной власти, стали результаты Первой Мировой войны. Для Германии было характерным одно из ответвлений фашизма нацизм. Если в Италии фашистское движение образовалось, то в Германии достигло своего рассвета. Немецкие фашисты руководились принципами превосходства арийской нации и необходимости поработить или физически уничтожить представителей других этносов, которые, по мнению немцев, значительно отставали в своем развитии. Основной миссией немецких фашистов, во главе с фюрером Адольфом Гитлером, было установление мирового господства и «нового порядка» в мире
Автор ответа: Zhasminka1999
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Daily life and shopping
Jeans are trousers made of denim, they come in all shapes, colours ans sizes. Most people have at last one pair, and in the USA the average person has seven pairs.
The word jeans comes from the French bleu de Genes, which means the blue of Genoa. This is because denim was made in Genoa and, in the 16th century , sailors used to wear baggy denim trousers. In the 1850s, Levi Strauss, a German merchant , started selling jeans to mine workers in California. They became popular because denim is a very strong material. However, some parts, like the pockets, used to rip a lot.So copper rivet were added to make them stronger. Jeans have changed very little since then and Levi's jeans are sold today. In 1955, James Dean started in the film Rebel without a Cause wearing blue jeans. Teenagers wanted to copy his style, and jeans became a symbol of youth in the 50s and 60s. After that, more and more designs and styles came out: flared, torn, baggy, tight, and even stonewashed jeans that looked old. Today allmost all fashion designers make their own jeans, and they are very popular. Jeans are an amazing item of clothing. They match everything and they can be casual or formal wear. Other clothes go in and out of fashion, but jeans are here to stay.
Write T for True and F for False.
Jeans are trousers made of silk.
The word jeans comes from the French bleu de Genes, which means the red of Genoa.
In the 16th century , sailors used to wear baggy denim trousers.
In the 1850s, Levi Strauss, a German merchant , started selling jeans to mine workers in Kazakhstan.
Jeans have changed very little since then and Levi's jeans aren't sold today.
Today jeans are very popular.
Jeans match everything and they can be casual or formal wear.