Предмет: Русский язык, автор: songlvneva

СРОЧНО!!!!Метафоры и эпитеты в стихотворении Лермонтова тучи:
Тучки небесные, вечные странники
Степью лазурною, цепью жемчужною
Мчитесь вы, будто, как я же, изгнанники,
С милого севера в сторону южную.
Кто же вас гонит: судьбы ли решение
Зависть ли тайная злоба ль открытая
Или на вас тяготит преступление
Или друзей клевета ядовитая
Нет, вам наскучили нивы бесплодные...
Чужды вам страсти и чужды страдания;
Вечно холодные, вечно свободные,
Нет у вас родины, нет вам изгнания.


Автор ответа: NachinkaLove
Метафоры (скрытые сравнения): странники (сравниваются с ними тучки), цепью (степь), изгнанники (тучки)
Эпитеты: вечные странники, степью лазурною, цепью жемчужною, милого севера, зависть тайная, злоба открытая, клевета ядовитая, нивы бесплодные, вечно свободные и холодные тучи.
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проверьте пожалуйста правильно ли
Nowadays, it is not a secret that fewer and fewer people vote. Prima face, this tendency does not seem to be dangerous. But through a thorough analysis of this issue it is relatively easy to determine that such behaviour can endanger not only communities or individual countries but much more several nations. The best example of this is the “Brexit” which will have unpredictable consequences for EU and the UK.
Because voting is so important there is a question: should the people be forced to vote or should voting become more attractive.

On the one hand, if there was a law that would force people to vote the consequence would be that everyone would take part in elections. Thus, the results of such elections will be representative. So, such decisions like Brexit will be avoided. But on the other hand, such a law is not compatible with the European morale values like freedom, independence and so on. Additionally, if some people don´t vote because they are not sure in the politics then it is better not to vote. Otherwise, these undecided voters can be easily misused by parties. Hence the result of voting will be manipulated what is very bad for democracy and politics as well. Consequently, the problem is in the voters
Firstly, there should be more opportunities for people to understand politics. Maybe more information about parties and there aim in the media. Under the premise that people with middle education can understand it. Due to this education people will understand what are their interests and what are the aims of politicians. After comparison of these interests they will take a safe decision.
To motivate people for political engagement there should be some subventions. For instance, if someone voted regularly would get discounts for credit or something like this.

Предмет: Алгебра, автор: wf121222